det-lab / jupyterhub-deploy-kubernetes-jetstream

CDMS JupyterHub deployment on XSEDE Jetstream
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Distributed data access - block store #14

Closed zonca closed 4 years ago

zonca commented 4 years ago

Conclusion of #8 is that object store is not suitable.

Other 2 options are:

1) One option could be to use Manila on Jetstream which provides a NFS service which is handled by Openstack so we don't have to manage it. This provides a standard read/write filesystem we can mount on all pods.

2) Or deploy our own NFS server, actually we can probably use the NFS server we use for CVMFS to also serve this 50GB volume read/write.

I have never used Manila before, so I would rather use our own NFS server, we can later do some benchmarks.

So the plan is to have 1 pod which mounts a large volume read-write, and expose the SSH port with certificate-only access to copy there the data with rsync. Down the road we could deploy a Globus endpoint. Then this pod has a NFS server which shares the data as read-only to the Jupyter Notebook pods.

I haven't decided yet if this should be a standalone pod or the same pod of CVMFS, I'll track progress in this issue.

zonca commented 4 years ago

Implemented in #15, we will keep this open for now to report any feedback / issues.

zonca commented 4 years ago

@pibion who is testing data access can post feedback here or open a dedicated issue.

pibion commented 4 years ago

It's currently @ziqinghong and @blackholesun137. I typically relay comments on our collaboration Slack to this thread, but you're both also welcome to post here directly!

ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

@zonca I just successfully copied a bunch of text data over. Seems working well. The next step of the process is to read it out from jupyterlab, which I failed. The default umask put the files to 2710, with user:group=root:root. What's the best way of getting around this?

pibion commented 4 years ago

@zonca @ziqinghong at SLAC we use ACL permissions to make data sets readable by everyone in a "dark matter" group.

But you should probably only have write privileges in your own directory - where are you trying to write your data to?

pibion commented 4 years ago

@ziginghong unless you're doing something that creates data that should be stored in /cvmfs/data which now that I think about it is entirely possible. Is that the case?

zonca commented 4 years ago

@ziqinghong try again now, just copying 1 file at the root of /cvmfs/data/ and check its permissions

ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

@pibion I was scping stuff from SLAC to jetstream, where the username was root. @zonca I tried again, it still got written as 2740 with root:root. It's the 20200318_1554_time.png file in /cvmfs/data that I last tried.

zonca commented 4 years ago

@ziqinghong are you using scp?

ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

Yes. scp 20200318_1554_time.png XSEDE:/cvmfs/data/. where XSEDE points to the js node in .ssh/config

zonca commented 4 years ago

I just copied with scp and my file has correct permissions:

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   87 Apr  7 02:29
ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

Here's what's in .ssh/config Host XSEDE HostName User root Port 30022 IdentityFile ~/jupyterhub-deploy-kubernetes-jetstream-secrets/ssh/cdms_nfs_ssh_key

zonca commented 4 years ago

what is the umask of the source file?

ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

It's 2770 permission.. Maybe that's the difference? It needs to be un-readable on the SLAC cluster as internal data...

zonca commented 4 years ago

then ssh into the CVMFS pod after you have copied the files and recursively fix the permissions.

zonca commented 4 years ago

once you have done that, please add this note to the documentation at:

so other users can easily get around this issue.

ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

Will do.

ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

@zonca Any chance we can have rsync? That's helpful if we want to incrementally syncing data, plus it has a flag to set the permissions. Thanks!

zonca commented 4 years ago

@ziqinghong yes, installed rsync, added example usage at feel free to augment it.

ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

Awesome! Now it's much easier to setup a crontab for automated data transfer. (We won't do that yet, but soon...)

zonca commented 4 years ago

you are root on that pod, so feel free to install anything else you need, just also add it to the Dockerfile (make a pull request) at so that it is automatically included when we redeploy.

ziqinghong commented 4 years ago

Hmmm.... I somehow forgot I was root there.......... Stockholm syndrome for not having root on servers I don't manage...

zonca commented 4 years ago

it is just a pod, so whatever happens I'll just redeploy it!

zonca commented 4 years ago

This seems to be working fine. I'll close this issue. Please open another issue if anything about he data store stops working.