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CDMS JupyterHub deployment on XSEDE Jetstream
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dask: load Python environment from CVMFS #43

Closed zonca closed 3 years ago

zonca commented 3 years ago

I have configured the dask worker and the dask scheduler to mount the CVMFS volumes, and then modify the environment variables to load V03-06, they need to be hardcoded, I think it is fine for now, I can update that once in a while.

However, I get some dynamic library errors.

When trying to launch the scheduler, I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/cvmfs/", line 6, in <module>
    from dask_gateway.dask_cli import scheduler
  File "/cvmfs/", line 2, in <module>
    from .client import (
  File "/cvmfs/", line 5, in <module>
    import ssl
  File "/cvmfs/", line 101, in <module>
    import _ssl             # if we can't import it, let the error propagate
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

However, if I try that in Jupyter, that works fine, it correctly picks up libssl from lib64:

bash-4.2$ ldd /cvmfs/ =>  (0x00007ffe87b61000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f7db4fdd000)

I also added /lib64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH but it still fails, @bloer, would you have any suggestions?

bloer commented 3 years ago

My only guess is that maybe some nodes either don't have libssl or CVMFS isn't working quite right (buffer not big enough maybe?). Neither seems overly likely.

We'll be moving to a newer version of the base CVMFS environment within the next week or two, which may help if there's a problem with the distribution. Again, seems unlikely

zonca commented 3 years ago

thanks @bloer, something that I don't understand, maybe related:

when I run in the notebook, dask-scheduler works fine and finds libssl in the /lib64 folder, but /lib64 is not in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, how does it know to look there?

zonca commented 3 years ago

oh sorry it is explained in the ldconfig man: it is one of the standard directories.

But why doesn't that work in the dask container? it is exactly the same docker container I am running Jupyter in, so /lib64 is definitely there.

However instead of calling the script from CVMFS, I am just setting PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH. @bloer do you think I need anything else from

zonca commented 3 years ago

nevermind! I was using the wrong container.... ok, now I have different errors I'm investigating.

zonca commented 3 years ago

ok, I think it is now working!

def get_python_path():
    import sys
    return sys.path
{'tls://': ['/home/jovyan/dask-worker-space/dask-worker-space/worker-c1v5u3xz',
 'tls://': ['/home/jovyan/dask-worker-space/dask-worker-space/worker-dw8a74ch',

Also the dashboard works fine: image

@ziqinghong can you please test it and check if it works for you?

You should not have any package installed in ~/.local/lib

You can execute this test notebook, just replace js-XXX-YYY with supercdms:

Please report here any error.

zonca commented 3 years ago

@pibion @ziqinghong, I just tested this again now, it works fine, but it would be nice if someone else can test it within the next 2 weeks, especially I am interested to know if how it is setup now fits your needs or not.

We can schedule a Zoom meeting dedicated to this if you think it is useful (after you gave it a try).

zonca commented 3 years ago

ok, added docs to the usual README, pointing to #51 for later testing