det-lab / jupyterhub-deploy-kubernetes-jetstream

CDMS JupyterHub deployment on XSEDE Jetstream
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Backup stopped working #87

Closed zonca closed 1 year ago

zonca commented 1 year ago

the automated backup system which backs up all volumes nightly to OSN stopped working on March 24th.

I think it is due to the fact that the license for the Stash Community edition, the software we use to handle backup has expired.

I requested a new one.

zonca commented 1 year ago

verified that is the problem in the logs:

F0330 02:29:56.838020       1 main.go:43] Error in Stash Main: license status expired, reason: failed t
o verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-03-30T02:29:
56Z is after 2022-03-25T18:16:28Z
zonca commented 1 year ago

got the new license and re-launched the service, will check tomorrow if we get backups

zonca commented 1 year ago

ok, it is operational again:

$ restic snapshots --latest 10
repository 18a1c421 opened successfully, password is correct
ID        Time                 Host        Tags               Paths
866704db  2023-04-03 02:30:28  host-0      jamesjamidei       /stash-data
5ae38a35  2023-04-04 01:00:33  host-0      musaab.faozi       /stash-data
e7010d38  2023-04-04 01:10:21  host-0      oleksandra.lukina  /stash-data
8c7d0b70  2023-04-04 01:20:29  host-0      pandeylekhraj      /stash-data
26cb9731  2023-04-04 01:30:23  host-0      pibion             /stash-data
31cfa1d2  2023-04-04 01:40:24  host-0      rahmanole          /stash-data
0d2531f3  2023-04-04 02:00:35  host-0      tyjmartin98        /stash-data
08db4722  2023-04-04 02:10:30  host-0      zkromer            /stash-data
e0cb5839  2023-04-04 02:20:19  host-0      zonca              /stash-data
5187d6e8  2023-04-04 02:30:24  host-0      jamesjamidei       /stash-data