detain / myadmin-client-vue

MyAdmin Vue3 Client Frontend
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Speed up electron loading #21

Open detain opened 9 months ago

detain commented 9 months ago

The electron branch builds a version for electron, but when loading the built program it takes nearly a minute for content to show up

To speed up the loading time of an Electron application, you can consider the following strategies:

Code Splitting: Split your code into smaller chunks that can be loaded on demand or in parallel. This can be achieved using dynamic imports or libraries like loadable-components. This can significantly reduce the size of your initial JavaScript bundle, leading to faster load times.

Optimize Dependencies: Some dependencies might be large and slow down your application. You can analyze your bundle to identify large dependencies and consider alternatives. Tools like webpack-bundle-analyzer can help with this.

Lazy Loading: Load some parts of the app lazily, i.e., as they are needed, rather than loading everything upfront. This can be particularly effective for parts of the app that aren't immediately needed on startup.

Minimize and Compress Assets: Use tools like Terser to minimize your JavaScript and CSS files, and use image compression for your images. This can significantly reduce the size of your assets and thus speed up load times.

Use the **ready-to-show** event: In Electron, you can use the ready-to-show event to show the window only when the content is rendered. This can prevent a white screen from showing up on startup.

Avoid Blocking the Main Thread: Perform heavy computations in a separate thread or worker to avoid blocking the main thread.

Use AOT Compilation: If you're using a framework that supports Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation like Angular, use it to compile your code to JavaScript at build time, rather than at runtime.

Cache Data: If your application needs to load data at startup, consider caching this data so it doesn't need to be fetched every time the app starts.

  1. Code Splitting: Vue 3 and Vite support dynamic imports out of the box. Here's how you might use them to split your code:
// Instead of this...
import HeavyComponent from './HeavyComponent.vue';
// Do this...
const HeavyComponent = () => import('./HeavyComponent.vue');

Optimize Dependencies: This would involve analyzing your bundle (using a tool like rollup-plugin-visualizer with Vite) and potentially replacing heavy dependencies with lighter alternatives. This is more of a process than a specific code change.

Lazy Loading: This is similar to code splitting. Here's an example of how you might lazily load a route in Vue Router:

const routes = [
  { path: '/heavy', component: () => import('./HeavyComponent.vue') },

Minimize and Compress Assets: Vite handles this automatically in production builds.

Use the **ready-to-show** event: This is specific to Electron and doesn't involve Vue or Vite. See the previous example.

Avoid Blocking the Main Thread: Here's an example of how you might use a Web Worker with Vue and Vite:

// In your Vue component...
mounted() {
  const worker = new Worker(new URL('./worker.js', import.meta.url));

Use AOT Compilation: Vue 3 uses AOT compilation by default.

Cache Data: This would depend on the specific nature of your data and how it's being fetched. One simple approach might be to store the data in localStorage after it's fetched, and check localStorage before fetching the data:

// In your Vue component...
async mounted() {
  let data = localStorage.getItem('data');
  if (!data) {
    data = await fetchData();
    localStorage.setItem('data', data);