detecttechnologies / Thermal-Image-Analysis

Desktop tool for analysis of SEQ/FFF/RJPG thermographs
MIT License
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Opening sequentialla all frames in a seq file #2

Closed SReich-EMI closed 4 years ago

SReich-EMI commented 4 years ago

This project is very helpful for me. I’m using a FLIR thermal camera and want to analyze the movies with Python. With this code I can open the seq files directly in python. I want to extract temperatures within all frames of one movie, therefore I have to open all frames after each other. Until now, I don’t figured out, how I can open other frames than the first. I don’t require it to be implemented into this code, because I only want to read in the frames an work with them in Python by numpy. Can you tell me, how I can get access to the later frames?

Kind regards Stefan Reich

rakshith95 commented 4 years ago

Hello, This thread outlines splitting an SEQ to its individual fff files. Use the hexdump command to get the hex pattern generated by your camera

rakshith95 commented 4 years ago

The python code to split an SEQ into frames has also been added to this repo

rsnk96 commented 4 years ago

@SReich-EMI the codes that @rakshith95 is referring to has been shifted to the class CSeqVideo in, and the details of how to use it have been updated in the README. Do let us know if you have any more queries