detecttechnologies / Thermal-Image-Analysis

Desktop tool for analysis of SEQ/FFF/RJPG thermographs
MIT License
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Support for Seek Shot Thermal Cameras #8

Open rsnk96 opened 2 years ago

rsnk96 commented 2 years ago

Shifting from to the Issues section


I´m interested in finding a thermal image analysis software that can use .hir files from Seek Shot camera. Can your software use this format?

Tks, Roger

Roger - Not familiar with the format, can you provide any sample images from the Seek Shot camera?

RogerFx commented 2 years ago

Hi Nikhil,

Thanks for your reply and moving the discussion to the correct section.

Yes, I do have sample images from the see shot camera that I can send you or upload, also jpg that shows what the .hir is supose to be. I did find a sw that can handle the files, it is called ThermoVision_JoeC and I can open the file and see an histogram, but some values are off value and also some features I don´t manage to get them to work or is it not very user friendly and I have not figure out yet how to use it properly.

Please advise how I can send you the files for your evaluation.

Tks, Roger

rsnk96 commented 2 years ago

You should be able to attach files in this thread by dragging and dropping @RogerFx image

RogerFx commented 2 years ago

Ok, that is perfect. Thanks. I will proceed following this message.

RogerFx commented 2 years ago


could not upload .hir file, I will have to zip it

RogerFx commented 2 years ago


rsnk96 commented 2 years ago

Can you try converting it into a Zip, and uploading the Zip here?

RogerFx commented 2 years ago

Seek Shot

I have included two samples, both also with the reports that an app from Seek company also that allows to generate some very simple report.

The line of cooler temp that you see going in the wall behind the clock is the tubing of the air conditioning that I had it working at that moment and the camera registered the temperature behind the wall.

rsnk96 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing @RogerFx .

This is not something that can be ingested using the Thermal-Image-Analysis software right away, sorry.

I was following this thread, where the author of the software you recommended (ThermoVision_JoeC) details on the thread he followed to add support for Seek cameras. It will require some work and time to see how to integrate that functionality into this software.

RogerFx commented 2 years ago

Ok, I got it. Thanks anyway for the information. I was trying to find out if someone else is working with this the cameras which are quite good and reasonably priced.