detiuaveiro / ua-thesis-template

📖 A thesis LaTeX template that complies with the University of Aveiro's guidelines and provides a simple CLI workflow around make and compatibility with Overleaf.
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New 2021 rules which remove the department name from the cover page #21

Closed dvcorreia closed 3 years ago

dvcorreia commented 3 years ago

On January 14th Sr. José sent an email informing the new dissertation template norms:

Para a versão final da dissertação, foi recentemente deliberado que na capa e na folha seguinte só deve ser mencionado “Universidade de Aveiro” sem a indicação do departamento. A primeira página correta é


A segunda página correta é


Por favor consultem a página das normas e modelos:

I added a coverdepname class option which enables the department name. I don't know if this norm will continue for the next years, and the complete remove of the department name didn't seem fit (I actually prefer the cover with it).

The second page didn't match the picture sent by Sr. José, but consulting the document in the UA norm webpage, it matches the current state of the template, whereby not changed.

The final class option didn't seem to be working in matter.tex. I moved it to the cover.tex file document class where it seems to be actually detected.

pkill37 commented 3 years ago

Thank you! ❤️