detiuaveiro / ua-thesis-template

📖 A thesis LaTeX template that complies with the University of Aveiro's guidelines and provides a simple CLI workflow around make and compatibility with Overleaf.
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make setup doesn't work for non apt distros && small makefile contribution #49

Open brunofavs opened 2 months ago

brunofavs commented 2 months ago

This could be fixed by adding a argument to the makefile with lsb_release -ds.

In arch for instance, I must install the dependencies one by one and it's annoying.

Non related to the first topic but sometimes the compilation fails and I loose citations because of something to do with the auxiliary files, I'm not sure what it is but clearing them solves it.

I also added another command to the Makefile, might be an interesting addition.

    ls | grep -e 'matter.*' | grep -v matter.tex | xargs rm

EDIT : If this is to be implemented I think it should first change to the template's root directory.

It's a small thing so I figured it wasn't deserving of a dedicated issue.

jpbarraca commented 1 month ago

We need the list of packages required in arch. Can you provide it?