detnet-wg / draft-ietf-detnet-yang

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draft-ietf-detnet-yang-10 #41

Open XuesongGeng opened 3 years ago

XuesongGeng commented 3 years ago

draft-ietf-detnet-yang-10.txt draft-ietf-detnet-yang-10.txt

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Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Configuration YANG Model Huawei Technologies
Huawei Technologies
LabN Consulting, L.L.C.
China Mobile
This document contains the specification for Deterministic Networking flow configuration YANG Model. The model allows for provisioning of end-to-end DetNet service along the path without dependency on any signaling protocol. The YANG module defined in this document conforms to the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA). The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
DetNet (Deterministic Networking) provides a capability to carry specified unicast or multicast data flows for real-time applications with extremely low packet loss rates and assured maximum end-to-end delivery latency. A description of the general background and concepts of DetNet can be found in . This document defines a YANG model for DetNet based on YANG data types and modeling language defined in and . DetNet service, which is designed for describing the characteristics of services being provided for application flows over a network, and DetNet configuration, which is designed for DetNet flow path establishment, flow status reporting, and DetNet functions configuration in order to achieve end-to-end bounded latency and zero congestion loss, are both included in this document.
This documents uses the terminologies defined in .
DetNet configuration module includes DetNet App-flow configuration, DetNet Service Sub-layer configuration, and DetNet Forwarding Sub-layer configuration. The corresponding attributes used in different sub-layers are defined in Section 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 respectively.
DetNet application flow is responsible for mapping between application flows and DetNet flows at the edge node(egress/ingress node). Where the application flows can be either layer 2 or layer 3 flows. To map a flow at the User Network Interface (UNI), the corresponding attributes are defined in .
DetNet service functions, e.g., DetNet tunnel initialization/termination and service protection, are provided in DetNet service sub-layer. To support these functions, the following service attributes need to be configured: DetNet flow identification Service function indication, indicates which service function will be invoked at a DetNet edge, relay node or end station. (DetNet tunnel initialization or termination are default functions in DetNet service layer, so there is no need for explicit indication). The corresponding arguments for service functions also needs to be defined.
As defined in , DetNet forwarding sub-layer optionally provides congestion protection for DetNet flows over paths provided by the underlying network. Explicit route is another mechanism that is used by DetNet to avoid temporary interruptions caused by the convergence of routing or bridging protocols, and it is also implemented at the DetNet forwarding sub-layer. To support congestion protection and explicit route, the following transport layer related attributes are necessary: Traffic Specification, refers to Section 7.2 of . It may used for resource reservation, flow shaping, filtering and policing. Explicit path, existing explicit route mechanisms can be reused. For example, if Segment Routing (SR) tunnel is used as the transport tunnel, the configuration is mainly at the ingress node of the transport layer; if the static MPLS tunnel is used as the transport tunnel, the configurations need to be at every transit node along the path; for pure IP based transport tunnel, it's similar to the static MPLS case.
DetNet provides the capability of flow aggregation to improve scaleability of DetNet data, management and control planes. Aggregated flows can be viewed by the some DetNet nodes as individual DetNet flows. When aggregating DetNet flows, the flows should be compatible: if bandwidth reservations are used, the reservation should be a reasonable representation of the individual reservations; if maximum delay bounds are used, the system should ensure that the aggregate does not exceed the delay bounds of the individual flows. The DetNet YANG model defined in this document supports DetNet flow aggregation with the following functions: Aggregation flow encapsulation/decapsulation/identification Mapping individual DetNet flows to an aggregated flow Changing traffic specification parameters for aggregated flow The following cases of DetNet aggregation are supported: aggregate data flows into an application which is then mapped to a service sub-layer at the ingress node. Note the data flows may be other DetNet flows. map each DetNet application to a single service sub-layer and allowing the aggregation of multiple applications at the ingress node, and vice versa for de-aggregation. A classifier may be required to de-aggregate the respective applications. map each DetNet application uniquely to a single service sub-layer where those sub-layers may be encapsulated as a single service sub-layer and hence aggregating the applications at the ingress node, and vice versa for de-aggregation. In this case, the service sub-layer identifier may be sufficient to identify the application. A classifier may be required to de-aggregate the service sub-layers. aggregate DetNet service sub-layers into an aggregated flow by using the same forwarding sub-layer at ingress node or relay node, and vice versa for de-aggregation. aggregate DetNet flows with different forwarding sub-layer into an aggregated flow by using the same forwarding sub-layer at transit node, and vice versa for de-aggregation. Traffic requirements and traffic specification may be tracked for individual or aggregate flows but reserving resources and tracking the services in the aggregated flow is out of scope.
The picture shows that the general structure of the DetNet YANG Model:
There are three instances in DetNet YANG Model: App-flow instance, service sub-layer instance and forwarding sub-layer instance, respectively corresponding to four parts of DetNet functions defined in section 3.
module ietf-detnet{ namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-detnet"; prefix ietf-detnet; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-ethertypes { prefix ethertypes; } import ietf-routing-types { prefix rt-types; } import ietf-packet-fields { prefix packet-fields; } import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } import ieee802-dot1q-types{ prefix dot1q-types; } organization "IETF DetNet Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: WG Chair: Lou Berger Janos Farkas Editor: Xuesong Geng Editor: Mach Chen Editor: Yeoncheol Ryoo Editor: Don Fedyk ; Editor: Reshad Rahman Editor: Zhenqiang Li "; description "This YANG module describes the parameters needed for DetNet flow configuration and flow status reporting"; revision 2020-11-12 { description "initial revision"; reference "RFC XXXX: draft-ietf-detnet-yang-09"; } identity app-status { description "Base identity from which all application-status actions are derived"; } identity none { base app-status; description "Application no ingress/egress"; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 5.8"; } identity ready { base app-status; description "Application ingress/egress ready"; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 5.8"; } identity failed { base app-status; description "Application ingres/egresss failed"; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 5.8"; } identity out-of-service { base app-status; description "Application Administratively blocked"; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 5.8"; } identity partial-failed { base app-status; description "Application One or more Egress ready, and one or more Egress failed. The DetNet flow can be used if the Ingress is Ready."; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 5.8"; } typedef app-flow-ref { type leafref { path "/ietf-detnet:detnet" + "/ietf-detnet:app-flows" + "/ietf-detnet:app-flow" + "/ietf-detnet:name"; } } typedef service-sub-layer-ref { type leafref { path "/ietf-detnet:detnet" + "/ietf-detnet:service-sub-layer" + "/ietf-detnet:service-sub-layer-list" + "/ietf-detnet:name"; } } typedef forwarding-sub-layer-ref { type leafref { path "/ietf-detnet:detnet" + "/ietf-detnet:forwarding-sub-layer" + "/ietf-detnet:forwarding-sub-layer-list" + "/ietf-detnet:name"; } } typedef traffic-profile-ref { type leafref { path "/ietf-detnet:detnet" + "/ietf-detnet:traffic-profile" + "/ietf-detnet:profile-name"; } } typedef ipsec-spi { type uint32 { range "1..max"; } description "IPsec Security Parameters Index"; reference "IETF RFC 6071"; } typedef service-operation-type { type enumeration { enum service-initiation { description "Operation for DetNet service sub-layer encapsulation"; } enum service-termination { description "Operation for DetNet service sub-layer decapsulation"; } enum service-relay { description "Operation for DetNet service sub-layer swap"; } enum non-detnet { description "No operation for DetNet service sub-layer"; } } } typedef forwarding-operations-type { type enumeration { enum forward { description "Operation forward to next-hop"; } enum impose-and-forward { description "Operation impose outgoing label(s) and forward to next-hop"; } enum pop-and-forward { description "Operation pop incoming label and forward to next-hop"; } enum pop-impose-and-forward { description "Operation pop incoming label, impose one or more outgoing label(s) and forward to next-hop"; } enum swap-and-forward { description "Operation swap incoming label, with outgoing label and forward to next-hop"; } enum pop-and-lookup { description "Operation pop incoming label and perform a lookup"; } } description "MPLS operations types"; } typedef service-protection-type { type enumeration { enum none { description "no service protection provide"; } enum replication { description "A Packet Replication Function (PRF) replicates DetNet flow packets and forwards them to one or more next hops in the DetNet domain. The number of packet copies sent to each next hop is a DetNet flow specific parameter at the node doing the replication. PRF can be implemented by an edge node, a relay node, or an end system"; } enum elimination { description "A Packet Elimination Function (PEF) eliminates duplicate copies of packets to prevent excess packets flooding the network or duplicate packets being sent out of the DetNet domain. PEF can be implemented by an edge node, a relay node, or an end system."; } enum ordering { description "A Packet Ordering Function (POF) re-orders packets within a DetNet flow that are received out of order. This function can be implemented by an edge node, a relay node, or an end system."; } enum elimination-ordering { description "A combination of PEF and POF that can be implemented by an edge node, a relay node, or an end system."; } enum elimination-replication { description "A combination of PEF and PRF that can be implemented by an edge node, a relay node, or an end system"; } enum elimination-ordering-replicaiton { description "A combination of PEF, POF and PRF that can be implemented by an edge node, a relay node, or an end system"; } } } typedef sequence-number-generation-type { type enumeration { enum copy-from-app-flow { description "Copy the app-flow sequence number to the DetNet-flow"; } enum generate-by-detnet-flow { description "Generate the sequence number by DetNet flow"; } } } typedef sequence-number-field { type enumeration { enum zero-sn { description "There is no DetNet sequence number field."; } enum short-sn { value 16; description "There is 16bit DetNet sequence number field"; } enum long-sn { value 28; description "There is 28bit DetNet sequence number field"; } } } grouping ip-header { description "The IPv4/IPv6 packet header information"; leaf src-ip-address { type inet:ip-address; description "The source IP address in the header"; } leaf dest-ip-address { type inet:ip-address; description "The destination IP address in the header"; } leaf next-header { type uint8; description "The next header of the IPv6 header"; } leaf traffic-class { type uint8; description "The traffic class value of the header"; } leaf flow-label { type inet:ipv6-flow-label; description "The flow label value of the header"; } leaf source-port { type inet:port-number; description "The source port number"; } leaf destination-port { type inet:port-number; description "The destination port number"; } } grouping l2-header { description "The Ethernet or TSN packet header information"; leaf source-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "The source MAC address value of the Ethernet header"; } leaf destination-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "The destination MAC address value of the Ethernet header"; } leaf ethertype { type ethertypes:ethertype; description "The Ethernet packet type value of the Ethernet header"; } leaf vlan-id { type dot1q-types:vlanid; description "The VLAN value of the Ethernet header"; } leaf pcp { type uint8; description "The priority value of the Ethernet header"; } } grouping destination-ip-port-identification { description "The TCP/UDP port(source/destination) identification information"; container destination-port { uses packet-fields:port-range-or-operator; } } grouping source-ip-port-identification { description "The TCP/UDP port(source/destination) identification information"; container source-port { uses packet-fields:port-range-or-operator; } } grouping ip-flow-identification { description "The IPv4/IPv6 packet header identification information"; leaf src-ip-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "The source IP address of the header"; } leaf dest-ip-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "The destination IP address of the header"; } leaf next-header { type uint8; description "The next header of the IPv6 header"; } leaf traffic-class { type uint8; description "The traffic class value of the header"; } leaf flow-label { type inet:ipv6-flow-label; description "The flow label value of the header"; } uses source-ip-port-identification; uses destination-ip-port-identification; leaf ipsec-spi { type ipsec-spi; description "IPsec Security Parameters Index of the Security Association"; reference "IETF RFC 6071"; } } grouping mpls-flow-identification { description "The MPLS packet header identification information"; choice label-space { description "Designates the label space being used."; case context-label-space { uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } case platform-label-space { leaf label { type rt-types:mpls-label; } } } } grouping traffic-specification { container traffic-specification { description "traffic-specification specifies how the Source transmits packets for the flow. This is the promise/request of the Source to the network. The network uses this traffic specification to allocate resources and adjust queue parameters in network nodes."; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 4.1"; leaf interval { type uint32; units microseconds; description "The period of time in which the traffic specification cannot be exceeded."; } leaf max-packets-per-interval { type uint32; description "The maximum number of packets that the source will transmit in one Interval."; } leaf max-payload-size { type uint32; description "The maximum payload size that the source will transmit."; } leaf average-packets-per-interval { type uint32; description "The average number of packets that the source will transmit in one interval"; } leaf average-payload-size { type uint32; description "The average payload size that the source will transmit."; } } } grouping traffic-requirements { container traffic-requirements { description "FlowRequirements: defines the attributes of the App-flow regarding bandwidth, latency, latency variation, loss, and misordering tolerance."; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 4.2"; leaf min-bandwidth { type uint64; units bytes-per-second; description "MinBandwidth is the minimum bandwidth that has to be guaranteed for the DetNet service. MinBandwidth is specified in octets per second."; } leaf max-latency { type uint32; units microseconds; description "MaxLatency is the maximum latency from Ingress to Egress(es) for a single packet of the DetNet flow. MaxLatency is specified as an integer number of nanoseconds"; } leaf max-latency-variation { type uint32; description "MaxLatencyVariation is the difference between the minimum and the maximum end-to-end one-way latency. MaxLatencyVariation is specified as an integer number of nanoseconds."; } leaf max-loss { type uint32; description "MaxLoss defines the maximum Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) parameter for the DetNet service between the Ingress and Egress(es) of the DetNet domain."; } leaf max-consecutive-loss-tolerance { type uint32; units packets; description "Some applications have special loss requirement, such as MaxConsecutiveLossTolerance. The maximum consecutive loss tolerance parameter describes the maximum number of consecutive packets whose loss can be tolerated. The maximum consecutive loss tolerance can be measured for example based on sequence number"; } leaf max-misordering { type uint32; units packets; description "MaxMisordering describes the tolerable maximum number of packets that can be received out of order. The maximum allowed misordering can be measured for example based on sequence number. The value zero for the maximum allowed misordering indicates that in order delivery is required, misordering cannot be tolerated."; } } } grouping data-flow-spec { description "app-flow identification"; choice data-flow-type { case tsn-app-flow { uses l2-header; } case ip-app-flow { uses ip-flow-identification; } case mpls-app-flow { uses mpls-flow-identification; } } } grouping detnet-flow-spec { description "detnet-flow identification"; choice detnet-flow-type { case ip-detnet-flow { uses ip-flow-identification; } case mpls-detnet-flow { uses mpls-flow-identification; } } } grouping app-flows-ref { description "incoming or outgoing app-flow reference group"; leaf-list flow-list{ type app-flow-ref; description "List of ingress or egress app-flows"; } } grouping service-sub-layer-ref { description "incoming or outgoing service sub-layer reference group"; leaf-list service-sub-layer { type service-sub-layer-ref; description "List of incoming or outgoing service sub-layers that have to aggregate or disaggregate"; } } grouping forwarding-sub-layer-ref { description "incoming or outgoing forwarding sub-layer reference group"; leaf-list forwarding-sub-layer { type forwarding-sub-layer-ref; description "List of incoming or outgoing forwarding sub-layers that have to aggregate or disaggregate"; } } grouping detnet-header { description "DetNet header info for DetNet encapsulation or swap"; choice header-type { case detnet-mpls-header { description "MPLS label stack for DetNet MPLS encapsulation or forwarding"; uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } case detnet-ip-header { description "IPv4/IPv6 packet header for DetNet IP encapsulation"; uses ip-header; } } } grouping detnet-app-next-hop-content { description "Generic parameters of DetNet next hops."; choice next-hop-options { mandatory true; description "Options for next hops. It is expected that further cases will be added through augments from other modules, e.g., for recursive next hops."; case simple-next-hop { description "This case represents a simple next hop consisting of the next-hop address and/or outgoing interface. Modules for address families MUST augment this case with a leaf containing a next-hop address of that address family."; leaf outgoing-interface { type if:interface-ref; } choice flow-type { case ip { leaf next-hop-address { type inet:ip-address; } } case mpls { uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } } } case next-hop-list { container next-hop-list { description "Container for multiple next hops."; list next-hop { key "hop-index"; description "An entry in a next-hop list. Modules for address families MUST augment this list with a leaf containing a next-hop address of that address family."; leaf hop-index { type uint8; description "The value if the index of for a hop."; } leaf outgoing-interface { type if:interface-ref; } choice flow-type { case ip { leaf next-hop-address { type inet:ip-address; } } case mpls { uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } } } } } } } grouping detnet-forwarding-next-hop-content { description "Generic parameters of DetNet next hops."; choice next-hop-options { mandatory true; description "Options for next hops. It is expected that further cases will be added through augments from other modules, e.g., for recursive next hops."; case simple-next-hop { description "This case represents a simple next hop consisting of the next-hop address and/or outgoing interface. Modules for address families MUST augment this case with a leaf containing a next-hop address of that address family."; leaf outgoing-interface { type if:interface-ref; } choice flow-type { case ip { choice operation-type { case ip-forwarding { leaf next-hop-address { type inet:ip-address; } } case mpls-over-ip-encapsulation { uses ip-header; } } } case mpls { uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } } } case next-hop-list { container next-hop-list { description "Container for multiple next hops."; list next-hop { key "hop-index"; description "An entry in a next-hop list. Modules for address families MUST augment this list with a leaf containing a next-hop address of that address family."; leaf hop-index { type uint8; description "The value if the index of for a hop."; } leaf outgoing-interface { type if:interface-ref; } choice flow-type { case ip { choice operation-type { case ip-forwarding { leaf next-hop-address { type inet:ip-address; } } case mpls-over-ip-encapsulation { uses ip-header; } } } case mpls { uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } } } } } } } container detnet { list traffic-profile { key "profile-name"; description "A traffic profile"; leaf profile-name { type string; description "An Aggregation group ID. Zero means the service is not part of a group"; } uses traffic-requirements; uses traffic-specification; leaf-list member-applications { type app-flow-ref; config false; description "Applications attached to this profile"; } leaf-list member-services { type service-sub-layer-ref; config false; description "Services attached to this profile"; } leaf-list member-forwarding-sublayers { type forwarding-sub-layer-ref; config false; description "Forwarding sub-layer attached to this profile"; } } container app-flows { description "The DetNet app-flow configuration"; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section Section 4.1"; list app-flow { key "name"; description "A unique (management) identifier of the App-flow."; leaf name { type string; description "A unique (management) identifier of the App-flow."; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Sections 4.1, 5.1"; } leaf app-flow-bidir-congruent { type boolean; description "Defines the data path requirement of the App-flow whether it must share the same data path and physical path for both directions through the network, e.g., to provide congruent paths in the two directions."; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 4.2"; } leaf outgoing-service { type service-sub-layer-ref; config false; description "Binding to this applications outgoing service"; } leaf incoming-service { type service-sub-layer-ref; config false; description "Binding to this applications incoming service"; } leaf traffic-profile { type traffic-profile-ref; description "The Traffic Profile for this group"; } container ingress { // key "name"; This should be a list for aggregation description "Ingress DetNet application flows or a compound flow"; leaf name { type string; description "Ingress DetNet application"; } leaf app-flow-status { type identityref { base app-status; } config false; description "Status of ingress application flow"; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Sections 4.1, 5.8"; } leaf interface { type if:interface-ref; } uses data-flow-spec; } //End of app-ingress container egress { description "Route's next-hop attribute."; // key "name"; This should be a list for aggregation leaf name { type string; description "Egress DetNet application"; } choice application-type { container Ethernet { leaf Ethernet-place-holder { type string; description "Place holder for matching Ethernet"; } } container ip-mpls { uses detnet-app-next-hop-content; } } } } } container service-sub-layer { description "The DetNet service sub-layer configuration"; list service-sub-layer-list { key "name"; description "Services are indexed by name"; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the DetNet service sub-layer"; } leaf service-rank { type uint8; description "The DetNet rank for this service"; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-flow-information-model Section 5.7"; } leaf traffic-profile { type traffic-profile-ref; description "The Traffic Profile for this service"; } container service-protection { leaf service-protection-type { type service-protection-type; description "The DetNet service protection type such as PRF, PEF, PEOF,PERF, and PEORF"; reference "draft-ietf-detnet-data-plane-framework Section 4.3"; } leaf sequence-number-length { type sequence-number-field; description "Sequence number field length can be one of 0 (none), 16 bits or 28 bits."; } } leaf service-operation-type { type service-operation-type; } container incoming-type { description "The DetNet service sub-layer incoming configuration."; choice incoming-type { mandatory true; description ""; container app-flow { description "This service sub-layer is related to the app-flows of the upper layer and provide ingress proxy or ingress aggregation at the ingress node."; uses app-flows-ref; } container service { description "This service sub-layer is related to the service sub-layer of the upper layer and provide service-to-service aggregation at the ingress node or relay node."; uses service-sub-layer-ref; } container forwarding { description "This service sub-layer is related to the forwarding sub-layer of the upper layer and provide forwarding-to-service aggregation at the ingress node or relay node."; uses forwarding-sub-layer-ref; } container service-identification { description "This service sub-layer is related to the service or forwarding sub-layer of the lower layer and provide DetNet service relay or termination at the relay node or egress node."; uses detnet-flow-spec; } } } container outgoing-type { description "The DetNet service sub-layer outgoing configuration."; choice outgoing-type { mandatory true; description ""; container forwarding-sub-layer { description "This service sub-layer is sent to the forwarding sub-layers of the lower layer for DetNet service forwarding or service-to-forwarding aggregation at the ingress node or relay node. When the operation type is service-initiation, The service sub-layer encapsulates the DetNet Control-Word and services label, which are for individual DetNet flow when the incoming type is app-flow and for aggregated DetNet flow when the incoming type is service or forwarding. The service sub-layer swaps the service label when the operation type is service-relay."; list service-outgoing-list { key "service-outgoing-index"; description "list of the outgoing service that separately for each node where services will be eliminated"; leaf service-outgoing-index { type uint8; } uses detnet-header; list next-layer { key "index"; description "list of the forwarding-sub-layer for replicate to multiple paths"; leaf index { type uint8; } leaf forwarding-sub-layer { type forwarding-sub-layer-ref; description "forwarding-sub-layer reference point"; } } } } container service-sub-layer { description "This service sub-layer is sent to the service sub-layers of the lower layer for service-to-service aggregation at the ingress node or relay node. The service sub-layer encapsulates the DetNet Control-Word and S-label when the operation type is service-initiation, and swaps the S-label when the operation type is service-relay."; leaf aggregation-service-sub-layer { type service-sub-layer-ref; description "reference point of the service-sub-layer at which this service will be aggregated"; } container service-label { uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } } container upper-app-flow { description "This service sub-layer is sent to the app-flow of the upper layer for egress proxy at the egress node, and decapsulates the DetNet Control-Word and S-label for individual DetNet service. This outgoing type only can be chosen when the operation type is service-termination."; uses app-flows-ref; } container upper-service-sub-layer { description "This service sub-layer is sent to the service sub-layer of the upper layer for service-to-service disaggregation at the relay node or egress node, and decapsulates the DetNet Control-Word and A-label for aggregated DetNet service. This outgoing type only can be chosen when the operation type is service-termination."; uses service-sub-layer-ref; } container upper-forwarding-sub-layer { description "This service sub-layer is sent to the forwarding sub-layer of the upper layer for forwarding-to-service disaggregation at the relay node or egress node, and decapsulates the DetNet Control-Word and A-label for aggregated DetNet service. This outgoing type only can be chosen when the operation type is service-termination"; uses forwarding-sub-layer-ref; } } } } } container forwarding-sub-layer { description "The DetNet forwarding sub-layer configuration"; list forwarding-sub-layer-list { key "name"; description ""; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the DetNet forwarding sub-layer"; } leaf traffic-profile { type traffic-profile-ref; description "The Traffic Profile for this group"; } leaf forwarding-operation-type { type forwarding-operations-type; } container incoming-type { description "The DetNet forwarding sub-layer incoming configuration."; choice incoming-type { mandatory true; description "Cases of incoming types"; container service-sub-layer { description "This forwarding sub-layer is related to the service sub-layers of the upper layer and provide DetNet forwarding or service-to-forwarding aggregation at the ingress node or relay node."; leaf-list sub-layer-list { type service-sub-layer-ref; config false; description ""; } } case upper-forwarding-sub-layer { description "This forwarding sub-layer is related to the forwarding sub-layer of the upper layer and provide forwarding-to-forwarding aggregation at the ingress node or relay node or transit node."; uses forwarding-sub-layer-ref; } case lower-forwarding-sub-layer { //case forwarding-identification { description "This forwarding sub-layer is related to all of the lower layer and provide DetNet forwarding swap or termination at the transit node or relay node or egress node."; leaf interface { type if:interface-ref; description "This is the interface associated with the forwarding sub-layer"; } uses detnet-flow-spec; } } } container outgoing-type { description "The DetNet forwarding sub-layer outbound configuration."; choice outgoing-type { mandatory true; description ""; container interface { description "This forwarding sub-layer is sent to the interface for send to next-hop at the ingress node or relay node or transit node."; uses detnet-forwarding-next-hop-content; } case service { description "This forwarding sub-layer is sent to the service sub-layers of the lower layer for forwarding-to-service aggregation at the ingress node or relay node."; leaf aggregation-service-sub-layer { type service-sub-layer-ref; } container optional-forwarding-label { uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } } case forwarding { description "This forwarding sub-layer is sent to the forwarding sub-layers of the lower layer for forwarding-to-forwarding aggregation at the ingress node or relay node or transit node."; leaf aggregation-forwarding-sub-layer { type forwarding-sub-layer-ref; } container forwarding-label { uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack; } } case upper-service { description "This forwarding sub-layer is sent to the service sub-layer of the upper layer and decapsulate the F-label for DetNet service or service-to-forwarding disaggregation at the relay node or egress node. This outgoing type only can be chosen when the operation type is pop-and-lookup"; uses service-sub-layer-ref; } case upper-forwarding { description "This forwarding sub-layer is sent to the forwarding sub-layer of the upper layer and decapsulate the F-label for forwarding-to-forwarding disaggregation at the transit node or relay node or egress node. This outgoing type only can be chosen when the operation type is pop-and-lookup"; uses forwarding-sub-layer-ref; } } } } } } } ]]>
There are some open issues that are still under discussion: Terminology. Security Considerations. These issues will be resolved in the following versions of the draft.
This document makes no request of IANA. Note to RFC Editor: this section may be removed on publication as an RFC.
The following examples are provided. A simple DetNet application illustrting multiplexing of Application Flows. A case of Forwarding sub-layer aggregation using a single forwarding sublayer. A case of Service sub-layer aggregation with and aggrgation label.
eth0 ia:ethernetCsmacd up 2020-10-02T23:59:00Z eth1 ia:ethernetCsmacd up 2020-10-02T23:59:00Z eth2 ia:ethernetCsmacd up 2020-10-02T23:59:00Z eth3 ia:ethernetCsmacd up 2020-10-02T23:59:00Z eth4 ia:ethernetCsmacd up 2020-10-02T23:59:00Z app-1 false ssl-1 1 eth0 app-2 false ssl-2 1 eth1 1 100000000 100000000 200000000 2 5 0 app-1 app-2 2 100000000 100000000 200000000 2 5 0 ssl-1 ssl-2 3 5 10 1500 afl-1 ssl-1 10 2 service-initiation none long-sn app-1 0 0 0 afl-1 ssl-2 10 2 service-initiation none long-sn app-2 0 0 0 afl-1 afl-1 3 impose-and-forward ssl-1 ssl-2 0 eth2 ]]>