detomon / wigglebone

Adds jiggle physics to bones of a Skeleton
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Godot 4.1.3: The variable type is being inferred from a Variant value #6

Closed lleblanc42 closed 7 months ago

lleblanc42 commented 7 months ago

Godot version


Issue description

Recieved a parse error in the console upon importing the plugin into Godot 4.1.3 that reads, "The variable type is being inferred from a Variant value, so it will be typed as Variant". This happens on line 252 in Basically Godot doesn't know how to type cast it. To fix, simply apply the type.

var h := max(0.0, k - abs(a - b))


var h: float = max(0.0, k - abs(a - b))

Steps to reproduce

Import the plugin into 4.1.3.

detomon commented 7 months ago

Strangely, I couldn't reproduce this error in any Godot version. Though, I once got it too on another occasion. I'll push a new version which should prevent this in any case. Thanks!