deuso / latx-build

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
51 stars 3 forks source link

CC0 license is likely inappropriate #6

Open xen0n opened 3 months ago

xen0n commented 3 months ago


I've noticed the repository has a LICENSE file indicating the repo content is CC0. Aside from its conflict with PRC copyright law (attribution rights cannot be waived in PRC so CC0 is effectively CC-BY here), I don't consider it likely for Loongson to permissively license LATX either, so something must be clarified or fixed here IMO.

PS: IMO a better way to open-source developments while securing commercial profits is the Qt way: strongly copyleft the work but allow for separate commercial licenses. This way both the broader open source community and Loongson can benefit from open collaboration, and revenue can be collected from commercial usages.

方才发现此仓库的 LICENSE 文件表明此仓库的内容是 CC0 许可的。CC0 在中国大陆无效(在中国大陆,著作权不可放弃,CC0 实质等效于 CC-BY);除此之外,本人也并不认为龙芯意图宽松许可 LATX。对此可能需要一些解释或订正。

PS: 私以为 Qt 所采用的方式有助于在开源开发的同时保证商业利益:使用强烈的 copyleft 许可证保护作品,但允许单独获取商业授权。这样广大社区用户与龙芯都将享受到开放合作模式的便利,而龙芯也得以从商业使用中获取收入。

xen0n commented 3 months ago

Meanwhile, if open-sourcing is not yet prioritized: the interim license should likely be the Loongnix EULA. Reason being that LATX is historically bundled in Loongnix.

如果目前开源事项不在优先级上:可能应以《Loongnix 最终用户许可协议》为这一时期临时采用的许可证。原因是历史上 LATX 都是与 Loongnix 绑定发布的。

deuso commented 3 months ago

Hi, Thanks for your suggestion, I've noticed this issue. This repo is created to strengthen the connection of dev & open testing, and the intended outcome is some documents to help end users to utilize latx easily.

xen0n commented 3 months ago

Hi, Thanks for your suggestion, I've noticed this issue. This repo is created to strengthen the connection of dev & open testing, and the intended outcome is some documents to help end users to utilize latx easily.

Hi, thanks for the clarification! In this case I think it's better to put it down explicitly: the CC0 license is only meant to cover the docs and communication happening in this repo (and its forks), but not the LATX itself.