deutschestextarchiv / DiBiLit-Korpus

DiBiLit (Digitale Bibliothek, Literatur) is a corpus of more than 2,000 literary and scientific texts from the 15th to the 20th century by renowned authors. The texts are available under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.
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erzaehlungen/lenz_der-landprediger_1975 – dates #1

Open haoess opened 1 year ago

haoess commented 1 year ago

Currently we have:

<date type="publication">1975</date>
<date type="firstPublication">1977</date>
<date type="firstPublication" subtype="clariah">1977</date>
<date type="firstPublication" subtype="zeno">1977</date>

Zeno says:

Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz: Werke in einem Band. Berlin und Weimar ²1975. Entstanden 1776, Erstdruck in: Deutsches Museum (Leipzig), Sommer 1977.

No idea, why they date the first print (Erstdruck) after the second edition, but I think, that’s a typo, since Wikipedia states 1777 as the date of the first print. So our XML should be:

<date type="publication">1975</date>
<date type="firstPublication">1777</date>
mhug commented 1 year ago

Question is: What does „firstpublication“ refer to? 1) Alltime first print (in this case printed in several issues of the journal Deutsches Museum)? Or 2) First publication by the same publisher (in this case Aufbau Verlag)? Refering to Worldcat and second procedure, our XML should be:

<date type="publication">1975</date>
<date type="firstPublication">1972</date>