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Slack App to Automate Mocking Your Friends
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Rep Store #57

Open arrozconfrijoles opened 4 years ago

arrozconfrijoles commented 4 years ago

A marketplace where a user can purchase one or a even a lootbox (for our non-EU muzzle clients) of muzzle enhancements. This will encourage good behavior following the eventual rollout of rep system.


  1. We need a command like /marketplace where a user can peruse available enhancements and how they work. This should only be viewable for the requesting user to avoid targeting.

  2. Once they have read through the selections they'll need a separate command like /buy or /trade to make the purchase. When a user incorrectly spells a product there should be a message sent back to them that explains that item is currently unavailable and lists what is in stock. Exactly the same idea with the /muzzlestats misfire message.

  3. Users will need to access an inventory of what they have, Standard /inventory command should tell the user how many muzzles they have ready or how long their cool-down is, as well as their current rep score.

Muzzle Enhancements

We could just not discuss this issue openly and see if anyone figures it out.

Questions When these Enhancements are used should there be some explanation fired off at some time following the muzzle?

arrozconfrijoles commented 4 years ago

Announcements - (clearing up what is occasionally mentioned above)

In general the automated messages should call out:

  1. Who used the lootbox
  2. What muzzle enhancement was used
  3. Who was targeted initially
  4. Who was actually hit (if necessary)

For either Nuke and to a lesser extent MOAB there should be a countdown that fires off multiple times before the messages are suppressed. image

For both Muzzleproof Vest and Guardian Angel there shouldn't be a message when it is initially applied. With muzzleproof vest I see no issue arising from this because all attempted muzzles on that individual will appear as backfires or blocks. With the Guardian Angel there will need to be some custom message returned stating that the group is under protection. Both should send a post-mortem breakdown of who attempted to muzzle during the duration.

#botw To encourage both the usage of these enhancements, as well as our favorite channel the #botw should have both protection and muzzle enhancements bestowed upon them.

As stated above the user should have a Muzzleproof Vest. How they acquire one I'm not sure, but it could follow the same way we determine if the user has done their job for the day.

At the conclusion of each day there should be a poll sent asking if #botw has done their job. /botw @user would then fire off a poll that asks if that user has done their job. If greater than 5 yes votes occur and is greater than the number of no votes then they should be given a loot box for their duty.

This will eventually lead to a need for the ability of enhancements to be exchanged as rep since some users are fundamentally opposed to the usage of the muzzle. ~In cases where someone (@user1) has gifted muzzle enhancements to a different person (@user2) then there should be additional information showing the transit of the enhancement when the announcement occurs.~ -Will be ugly formatting and onerous, ignore.

arrozconfrijoles commented 4 years ago


sfreeman422 commented 4 years ago

Phase 1 Items to Add:


arrozconfrijoles commented 4 years ago
arrozconfrijoles commented 4 years ago


arrozconfrijoles commented 3 years ago

We need some sort of basic web interface to better explain what is available.

At worst this could be a funny two-bit looking website similar to Stardew Valley aesthetic. At best it would be interactive and the user could make multiple purchases quickly. They would also be able to send "/muzz to @user" to move their rep points around. We could also have donation drives to collect rep for large purchases of Nukes or other extreme rep store items.

arrozconfrijoles commented 3 years ago

Since we changed the name to the Rep Store we could reappropriate lootbox to mean summer and winter multi-pack sales. Would love to sell a few differ Firework Packs around July 4th.

sfreeman422 commented 3 years ago

This is probably on hold for awhile - even a janky UI will take some time that I don't want to spend on muzzle right now. I do like the idea of a front end but I have some competing priorities rn.