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Deploy apps independently (Multi Zones) #1450

Closed Enjoy2Live closed 7 months ago

Enjoy2Live commented 11 months ago

Independently deploying your Next.js apps and using a multi-zone approach to merge them as one can offer several benefits, particularly in large and complex applications or environments. Here are some reasons why you might consider this approach:

  1. Isolation: Independent deployment of Next.js apps allows each app to have its own codebase, dependencies, and infrastructure. This isolation can reduce the risk of one app's issues affecting others, making it easier to maintain and troubleshoot.

  2. Scalability: Different parts of your application may have varying traffic patterns and resource requirements. Independent deployments enable you to scale each app individually, allocating resources where needed without affecting others.

  3. Developer Autonomy: Different teams or developers can work on separate Next.js apps without stepping on each other's toes. This promotes autonomy and faster development cycles as teams can iterate on their specific parts of the application independently.

  4. Faster Deploys: Smaller codebases and isolated deployments generally lead to faster deployment times. When a change is made in one app, you only need to redeploy that specific app, reducing downtime and risk.

  5. Reduced Blast Radius: In case of issues or bugs, the impact is limited to the specific app affected. This reduces the "blast radius" of problems and makes it easier to identify and mitigate issues quickly.

  6. Resilience and Failover: By deploying your Next.js apps in multiple zones or regions, you enhance your application's resilience. If one zone experiences issues, traffic can automatically fail over to another zone, ensuring continuous service availability.

  7. Geographic Load Balancing: Using multi-zones allows you to distribute your app's traffic across different geographic regions, reducing latency for users in various locations.

  8. Microservices Architecture: If your Next.js apps represent different microservices within your architecture, independent deployment is a natural fit. Each microservice can have its own codebase and infrastructure, making it easier to manage and scale.

  9. Testing and Staging Environments: You can set up separate testing and staging environments for each Next.js app, allowing for more controlled and effective testing of changes before they reach production.

  10. Versioning and Rollbacks: Independent deployments enable you to version and rollback each app individually. If a new version introduces issues, you can roll back just that app while keeping others unaffected.

  11. Improved CI/CD Pipelines: CI/CD pipelines can be optimized for each Next.js app, leading to faster and more efficient automated testing and deployment processes.

  12. Security: Isolating different parts of your application can enhance security. Vulnerabilities in one app are less likely to compromise the security of the entire system.

  13. Scaling Costs: With independent deployments, you can allocate resources cost-effectively. Apps with lower traffic can run on smaller instances, reducing infrastructure costs.

It's worth noting that while independent deployments and multi-zone architecture offer many benefits, they also come with increased complexity in terms of management and orchestration. Careful planning and automation are crucial to realize the advantages while managing this complexity effectively.

Enjoy2Live commented 7 months ago

Closing this as we're potentially moving away from next.js Vercel paused their sponsorship program for awhile, our current funds doesn't allow for deploying each apps to Vercel.

We're trying out Vike which promises the ability to deploy apps to any service without hassle #1682