Open artem-sidorenko opened 5 years ago
I am attempting to utilize this in one of my cookbooks and am failing during an sshd restart. My issue is the same as:
That issue is from 2014 but maybe it has something to do with the version of Ubuntu I am using (18.04). Here is the error: " Recipe: ssh-hardening::server
service[sshd] action restart
Error executing action `restart` on resource 'service[sshd]'
Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of /bin/systemctl --system restart ssh ----
STDERR: Job for ssh.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status ssh.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
---- End output of /bin/systemctl --system restart ssh ----
Ran /bin/systemctl --system restart ssh returned 1
Resource Declaration:
# In /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/ssh-hardening/recipes/server.rb
Exact Error in Code: "FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: service[sshd] (ssh-hardening::server line 136) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1' ---- Begin output of /bin/systemctl --system restart ssh ---- " Cheers,
Filip M
@fmietka after this failure, can you invoke `journalctl -u sshd´ and check the output? Usually this is related to some syntax error within ssh configuration options. Did you set any custom attributes?
Hi @artem-sidorenko, since the cookbook fails on ssh-hardening, I actually can't ssh into the box at all and run that command unfortunately. Here are the attributes we are defining in our default.rb:
default['ssh-hardening']['ssh']['server']['mac'] default['ssh-hardening']['ssh']['server']['cipher'] default['ssh-hardening']['ssh']['server']['extras']
When I comment them out then the cookbook works. Not really sure why we had those in there in the first place. Do you recommend leaving those defaulted (aka "nil")? Where can I find some examples of what those can be set to. There must have been something wrong with one of them. Thanks for that catch!
Filip M
@fmietka if you open the ssh session prior to the deployment, you still should be able to have/keep access. sshd restart applies only to the new sessions and the old sshd forked processes keep running till the end.
Regarding the defaults: they depend on the openssh version and distro, you can have a look to , this library provides the according defaults
@artem-sidorenko so I used the defaults for mac and cipher and it converged successfully. When I ran a "journalctl -u sshd" it did not find any entries. However when I ran a "journalctl -u ssh" it returned my user request to ssh into the box. Was the "journalctl -u sshd" supposed to have " ---No Entries---"?
Additionally we are setting this attribute which i believe is causing the confusion above: default['ssh_service'] = platform_family?('suse', 'rhel') ? 'sshd' : 'ssh'
@fmietka my bad, the service name on ubuntu is ssh
. So everything looks good. Your problem is related to the ciphers/macs, some syntax error or not supported configuration
@artem-sidorenko Thank you sir, I appreciate the help!
We should check the sanity of sshd config before we restart sshd