/etc/cron.allow needs to be readable to use a crontab. manage_cron_permissions enforce it to "og-rwx".
Expected behavior
A user added to /etc/cron.allow should be able to use cron
Actual behavior
# ls -l /etc/cron.allow
-rw------- 1 root root 7 23 août 12:53 /etc/cron.allow
# cat /etc/cron.allow
# su - joris -c "/usr/bin/crontab -l"
/etc/cron.allow: Permission denied
You (joris) are not allowed to use this program (crontab)
See crontab(1) for more information
Tested on debian 11 and 12
allow resource overloading with enforce_resources like the others files
Describe the bug
/etc/cron.allow needs to be readable to use a crontab. manage_cron_permissions enforce it to "og-rwx".
Expected behavior
A user added to /etc/cron.allow should be able to use cron
Actual behavior
Tested on debian 11 and 12