dev-wonny / coopang

물류 관리 및 배송 시스템을 위한 MSA, Spring boot project
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[User&Gateway] Adjust Spring Security #18

Closed dev-wonny closed 4 days ago

dev-wonny commented 5 days ago

[User&Gateway] Adjust Spring Security

dev-wonny commented 4 days ago

[Add&Update] User server: adjust Spring Security

  1. add filter: HeaderFilter
  2. add filter: JwtAuthenticationFilter
  3. update WebSecurityConfig for setting filters, @Secure
  4. move Authority class to UserRoleEnum
  5. change Authority, add 'ROLE_' for spring security authority

[Update] user server for DDD architecture

  1. change UserDomainService, UserService for DDD architecture
  2. delete UserRepositoryImpl
  3. update UserRepositoryCustomImpl
  4. update UserRepositoryCustom search() from List to Page
  5. update AuthController, UserController for DDD architecture and adjust springSecurity annotation

[Add] User server: adjust Spring Security

  1. add UserDetailsImpl, UserDetailsServiceImpl and authenticate by userId

[Add] User server: adjust Global error

  1. add AccessDeniedException, UserNotFoundException
  2. add GlobalExceptionHandler
  3. add RestApiException class

[Update] User server: JwtUtil, SwaggerConfig

  1. JwtUtil: make token using .setId(email), .setSubject(userId)
  2. SwaggerConfig: add bearerAuth, addHeadersToSwagger

[Add] gateway server

  1. WebClientConfig
  2. LocalJwtAuthenticationFilter
  3. JwtUtil
  4. UserRoleEnum
  5. AuthService, RedisService, RoleService