dev1abhi / Flutter-Animations

We are trying to make a flutter app, which has example of every flutter animation available. Currently has 11+ unique animations.
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text animation left right up down added #12

Closed sajjadrahman56 closed 1 year ago

sajjadrahman56 commented 1 year ago

The commit adds text animation for left, right, up, and down directions to the project . In the text folder which has 2 screen ( move_udlr_screen.dart and tex_screen.dart) receptively .

I apologize the file name should be 'text_screen.dart' instead of 'tex_screen,dart' .

However , the file 'move_udlr_screen.dart' which has 4 Elevated buttons names are left,right,up and down . Affect will see after click the button

pr-explainer-bot[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hey there! I see you need help summarizing the previous results into a Pull Request review markdown document. No worries, I got your back! Let's break it down into sections: Changes, Suggestions, Bugs, Improvements, and Rating. Here we go:


  1. Added import statement for tex_screen.dart in drawercontroller.dart at line 3.
  2. Added mainScreen3 variable and assigned AnimatedTextWidget() to it in drawercontroller.dart at line 8.
  3. Added case 2 in the switch statement in drawercontroller.dart at line 16.
  4. Added 'Text Animation' to the menuItems list in menuscreen.dart at line 10.
  5. Added ListTile for 'Text Animation' in the ListView.builder in menuscreen.dart at line 26.
  6. Added '/text_animat' route in the routes map in main.dart at line 20.


  1. In drawercontroller.dart at line 8, consider using a more descriptive variable name instead of mainScreen3.
  2. In drawercontroller.dart at line 16, consider using a constant for the case value instead of a hard-coded number.
  3. In menuscreen.dart at line 10, consider using a constant for the menu item instead of a hard-coded string.
  4. In menuscreen.dart at line 26, consider extracting the ListTile widget into a separate method for better readability.


  1. In drawercontroller.dart at line 8, there might be a potential bug if the AnimatedTextWidget() is not properly implemented or imported.
  2. In main.dart at line 20, there might be a potential bug if the /text_animat route is not properly implemented or defined.


  1. In menuscreen.dart at line 26, the ListTile widget can be extracted into a separate method for better readability. Here's the refactored code snippet:
    Widget buildMenuItem(String menuItem) {
    return ListTile(
    title: Text(
      style: TextStyle(
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
        fontSize: 18,
    onTap: () {
      // Call onMenuItemClicked when an item is clicked
  2. In main.dart at line 20, the routes map can be extracted into a separate method for better readability. Here's the refactored code snippet:
    Map<String, Widget Function(BuildContext)> getRoutes() {
    return {
    '/fade_in': (context) => const fade_in_fade_out(),
    '/homepage': (context) => MyHomePage(),
    '/text_animat': (context) => AnimatedTextWidget(),


Explanation: The code is generally readable with clear variable and method names. However, there are some areas where it can be improved for better readability, such as using more descriptive variable names and extracting reusable widgets. In terms of performance, the code seems to be efficient, but there might be potential performance issues in the imported packages or external dependencies. As for security, the code does not seem to have any major security vulnerabilities, but it's always recommended to follow best practices and perform security audits when handling sensitive data.

That's it! I hope this summary helps with your Pull Request review. If you need anything else, just let me know!

dev1abhi commented 1 year ago

Verified and Accepted. Thanks for contributing. ✨