devMikeUA / vscode_mikrotik_routeros_script

VSCode - Mikrotik RouterOS script
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Strange highlighting issue (related to keywords in _comments_) #6

Open jgrisham opened 2 years ago

jgrisham commented 2 years ago

Everything on a line following the # comment delimiter should be ignored.

If the keyword CREATE or SET exists in a comment, it seems to break the parsing / highlighting going forward.

Example 1: image

Example 2 (CREATE changed to CREATe and OFFSET changed to OFFSEt): image

I don't know why this is happening. Any ideas on directions for a possible fix?

(sample script - see e.g. line 63 when highlighted with this extension) ``` ruby :global datetime do={ # 2021-10-19 Modified (manually) by Jim Grisham # # To load: /system script run create-datetime-function # To use: type ":global datetime" # :put ([$datetime]->"tzshort") # :put ([$datetime]->"ymdtz") # PART 1 - THE BASICS :local months { "jan"="01" "feb"="02" "mar"="03" "apr"="04" "may"="05" "jun"="06" "jul"="07" "aug"="08" "sep"="09" "oct"="10" "nov"="11" "dec"="12" } :local dNames {"Sunday"; "Monday"; "Tuesday"; "Wednesday"; "Thursday"; "Friday"; "Saturday"} :local dt :local ti # this loop protects in the rare event we hit midnight between getting the date and time do { :set dt [/system clock get date] :set ti [/system clock get time] } while=($dt != [/system clock get date]) :local b [:pick $dt 0 3 ] :local Y [:pick $dt 7 11 ] :local y [:pick $dt 9 11] :local m ($months->$b) :local d [:pick $dt 4 6] :local H [:pick $ti 0 2] # :local M [:pick $ti 3 5] # :local S [:pick $ti 6 8] # :local ymd "$Y-$m-$d" :local I ($H % 12) :if ($I = 0) do={ :set I 12 } :if ([:len $I] < 2) do={ :set I ("0$I") } :local p :if ($H < 12) do={ :set p "am" } else={ :set p "pm" } # PART 2 - CREATE GMT OFFSET STRING :local oInt [/system clock get gmt-offset] :local oSign # GMT offset is returned as an unsigned integer containing a signed integer # so for negative numbers, it comes out as 4 billion instead of, say -18000 # Additionally, the bitwise NOT operator doesn't work for numbers so we # have to do this ugly thing here :if ($oInt > 2147483647) do={ :set oInt (4294967296 - $oInt) :set oSign "-" } else={ :set oSign "+" } # GMT Offset Hours :local oHrs ($oInt / 3600) # GMT Offset Minutes :local oMin (($oInt % 3600) / 60) :if ([:len $oHrs] < 2) do={ :set oHrs ("0$oHrs") } :if ([:len $oMin] < 2) do={ :set oMin ("0$oMin") } :local z "$oSign$oHrs$oMin" # PART 2.1 - CREATE TIME ZONE LABEL # Added by Jim Grisham # Is "Summer Time" / "Daylight Savings Time" enabled? :local dst [/system clock get dst-active] # :local tz-name [/system clock get time-zone-name] # :if ( $z = "-0700" && $dst = true ) do={ :set tz-short "PDT" } # Line 105 # :if ( $z = "-0700" ) do={ :beep } #:put $z # Column ruler for script debugging (jhg 2021-10) # # 1 2 3 4 5 #2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 # Line 112 :local tzshort :if ( $z = "-0700" ) do={ :set tzshort ("PDT") } ; # Add additional time zone abbreviations here as needed: :if ( $dst = true ) do={ :if ( $z = "-0700" ) do={ :set tzshort ("PDT") } :if ( $z = "-0600" ) do={ :set tzshort ("MDT") } :if ( $z = "-0500" ) do={ :set tzshort ("CDT") } :if ( $z = "-0400" ) do={ :set tzshort ("EDT") } } else { :if ( $z = "-0800" ) do={ :set tzshort ("PST") } :if ( $z = "-0700" ) do={ :set tzshort ("MST") } :if ( $z = "-0600" ) do={ :set tzshort ("CST") } :if ( $z = "-0500" ) do={ :set tzshort ("EST") } :if ( $z = "-0000" || $z = "+0000" || $z = "0000" ) do={ :set tzshort ("GMT") } } # :if ( $tz-name = "America/Los_Angeles" # :if ( $tz-name = "America/Los_Angeles" && $dst = true ) do={ :set tz-short "PDT" }[:len $oHrs] < 2) do={ # :set oHrs ("0$oHrs") # } # { # :local myBool true; # :if ($myBool = false) do={ :put "value is false" } else={ :put "value is true" } # } # :if ([:len $oHrs] < 2) do={ # :set oHrs ("0$oHrs") # } # PART 3 - DAY OF THE WEEK CALCULATION # this entire section inspired by :local leapYear ( (($Y % 4) = 0) && ( (($Y % 100) != 0) || (($Y % 400) = 0) ) ) :local monthKeyVal {1; 4; 4; 0; 2; 5; 0; 3; 6; 1; 4; 6} :local mkv ($monthKeyVal->($m-1)) # January and February of a leap year get special treatment :if ( $leapYear && ( $m <= 2 ) ) do={ :set mkv ($mkv - 1) } :local w ( (($y / 4) + $d) + $mkv ) :if ($Y >= 2000) do={ :set w ($w + 6) } :set w ((($w + $y) - 1) % 7) :local A ($dNames->w) :local a [:pick $A 0 3] # PART 4 - RETURN the results as an dictionary/array :local dtobject { "b"=$b "m"=$m "d"=$d "Y"=$Y "y"=$y "time"=$ti "H"=$H "M"=[:pick $ti 3 5] "S"=[:pick $ti 6 8] "date"=$dt "ymd"="$Y-$m-$d" "I"=$I "p"=$p "z"=$z "w"=$w "A"=$A "a"=$a "Z"=[/system clock get time-zone-name] # added 2021-10-19 by Jim Grisham # "ymdt"=( "$Y-$m-$d_$H" . [:pick $ti 3 5] . "_" . [/system clock get time-zone-name] ) "ymdt"=( "$Y-$m-$d_$H" . [:pick $ti 3 5] ) "ymdtz"=( "$Y-$m-$d_$H" . [:pick $ti 3 5] . "_" . $tzshort ) "ymdtsz"=( "$Y-$m-$d_$H" . [:pick $ti 3 5] . [:pick $ti 6 8] . "_" . $tzshort ) "tz"=$tzshort "tzshort"=$tzshort } :return $dtobject } ``` **Note:** the GitHub `bash` highlighter doesn't seem to like it either, but the `ruby` one _(used in this code block)_ is fine.

The same thing happens with this extension:

... but not with this one:

... Other _(not VSCode-related)_ RouterOS highlighters: - - References: - VSCode highlighting - - - RouterOS Scripting - - - Syntax highlighting on GitHub - - - -
devMikeUA commented 2 years ago

What theme are you using?