devRoemer / hassio-homegear-generic

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Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory #11

Open JochenKlenk opened 1 year ago

JochenKlenk commented 1 year ago


Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory

Expected behavior

The server should be start

Actual behavior

(What actually happened)

root@5c174b80-hassio-homegear-generic:/# homegear -r 08/08/23 12:52:13.436 Debug: debugLevel set to 5 08/08/23 12:52:13.436 Debug: memoryDebugging set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: devLog set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: ipcLog set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: enableCoreDumps set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: setDevicePermissions set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: workingDirectory set to /var/lib/homegear/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: socketPath set to /var/run/homegear/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: dataPath set to /var/lib/homegear/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: familyDataPath set to /var/lib/homegear/families/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: databaseMemoryJournal set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.437 Debug: databaseWALJournal set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.438 Debug: databaseSynchronous set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.438 Debug: databaseMaxBackups set to 10 08/08/23 12:52:13.438 Debug: logfilePath set to /var/log/homegear/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.438 Debug: enableUPnP set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: deviceDescriptionPath set to /etc/homegear/devices/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: clientSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: serverSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: mqttSettingsPath set to /etc/homegear/mqtt.conf 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: cloudUserMapPath set to /etc/homegear/cloudusermap.json 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: familyConfigPath set to /etc/homegear/families/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: phpIniPath set to /etc/homegear/php.ini 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: gpioPath set to /sys/class/gpio/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: scriptPath set to /var/lib/homegear/scripts/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.439 Debug: enableNodeBlue set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: nodeBluePath set to /var/lib/homegear/node-blue/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: nodeBlueDataPath set to /var/lib/homegear/node-blue/data/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: nodeBlueDebugOutput set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: nodeBlueEventLimit1 set to 100 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: nodeBlueEventLimit2 set to 300 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: nodeBlueEventLimit3 set to 400 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: nodeBlueUriPathsExcludedFromLogin set to /ui/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: adminUiPath set to /var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/public/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: uiPath set to /var/lib/homegear/ui/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: uiTranslationPath set to /var/lib/homegear/admin-ui/translations/modules/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: reloadRolesOnStartup set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: libraryPath set to /var/lib/homegear/modules/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: firmwarePath set to /usr/share/homegear/firmware/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.440 Debug: tempPath set to /var/lib/homegear/tmp/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: lockFilePath set to /var/run/homegear/ 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: lockFilePathPermissions set to 504 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: lockFilePathUser set to homegear 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: lockFilePathGroup set to homegear 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: oauthCertPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.crt 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: oauthKeyPath set to /etc/homegear/homegear.key 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: oauthTokenLifetime set to 3600 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: oauthRefreshTokenLifetime set to 5184000 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: enableHgdc set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.441 Debug: hgdcPort set to 2017 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: waitForCorrectTime set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: prioritizeThreads set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: secureMemorySize set to 65536 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: workerThreadWindow set to 3000 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: scriptEngineMaxThreadsPerScript set to 4 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: scriptEngineMaxScriptsPerProcess set to 250 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: scriptEngineThreadCount set to 50 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: scriptEngineServerMaxConnections set to 10 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: scriptEngineWatchdogTimeout set to 60000 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: scriptEngineManualClientStart set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: nodeBlueProcessingThreadCountServer set to 100 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: nodeBlueProcessingThreadCountNodes set to 10 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: nodeBlueServerMaxConnections set to 50 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: maxNodeThreadsPerProcess set to 1000 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: nodeBlueWatchdogTimeout set to 60000 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: nodeBlueManualClientStart set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.442 Debug: nodeRedPort set to 1999 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: nodeOptions set to --max_old_space_size=400 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: ipcThreadCount set to 10 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: ipsServerMaxConnections set to 50 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: cliServerMaxConnections set to 50 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: rpcServerMaxConnections set to 50 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: rpcServerThreadPriority set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: rpcServerThreadPolicy set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: rpcClientMaxThreads set to 50 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: rpcClientThreadPriority set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: rpcClientThreadPolicy set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: workerThreadPriority set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: workerThreadPolicy set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPriority set to 45 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: physicalInterfaceThreadPolicy set to 1 08/08/23 12:52:13.443 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPriority set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:13.444 Debug: packetReceivedThreadPolicy set to 0 08/08/23 12:52:17.453 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory 08/08/23 12:52:17.453 Could not connect to socket. Error: No such file or directory

I can install the addon without issues. Then I can start it and it doing all the installation. It took up about 50% of the CPU and it stay in that process for arround an half an hour and then it says it is started. But I not can connect to the server via console or Webibterface or anything.

If I change the config under /config/homgear/... it not take it.

So something completely went wrong.

This was all working before the last upgrade of homeassitant.

Anyone else having the issues?


JochenKlenk commented 1 year ago

This is how all starts first time

Initializing homegear as user homegear Preparing NodeBlue npm WARN deprecated formidable@1.2.6: Please upgrade to latest, formidable@v2 or formidable@v3! Check these notes: npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details. npm WARN deprecated superagent@3.8.3: Please upgrade to v7.0.2+ of superagent. We have fixed numerous issues with streams, form-data, attach(), filesystem errors not bubbling up (ENOENT on attach()), and all tests are now passing. See the releases tab for more information at Thanks to @shadowgate15, @spence-s, and @niftylettuce. Superagent is sponsored by Forward Email at added 675 packages, and audited 966 packages in 1m 74 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details 41 vulnerabilities (1 low, 17 moderate, 22 high, 1 critical) To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency. Run npm audit for details. npm notice npm notice New major version of npm available! 8.1.2 -> 9.8.1 npm notice Changelog: npm notice Run npm install -g npm@9.8.1 to update! npm notice Generating homegear certificates Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus (2 primes) ............+++++ ..............................................................................................................+++++ e is 65537 (0x010001) Signature ok subject=C = AU, ST = Some-State, O = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd Getting Private key Generating DH parameters, 1024 bit long safe prime, generator 5 This is going to take a long time ........+........................................................+............+.................................................................................................+...............+.....................................................................................+.......+.........................................................+..+....+..........................................................+.................+.....................................................................................................................+..........................................................................................................................................+........................................................................................................+...++++++++++* DH parameters appear to be ok. Attached ttyUSB devices: crw-rw---- 1 root 18 188, 0 Aug 8 15:13 /dev/ttyUSB0 crw-rw---- 1 root 18 188, 1 Apr 4 12:55 /dev/ttyUSB1 Attached ttyAMA devices: crw-rw---- 1 root 18 204, 64 Apr 4 12:55 /dev/ttyAMA0 Attached spidev devices: Adding group of the devices to homegear user homegear Found group id: 18 Detecting group name Group name is: Group for id 18 does not exist. Creating one. Adding group homegear-18 to user homegear Adding group root to user homegear Starting Homegear (/usr/bin/homegear -u homegear -g homegear) 08/08/23 15:13:50.058 Loading settings from /etc/homegear/main.conf 08/08/23 15:13:50.061 Loading RPC server settings from /etc/homegear/rpcservers.conf 08/08/23 15:13:50.061 Loading RPC client settings from /etc/homegear/rpcclients.conf 08/08/23 15:13:50.062 Debug: hostname of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to myhostname 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: caFile of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to /path/to/ca-certficate 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: verifyCertificate of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 1 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: forceSSL of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 0 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: authType of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 1 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: userName of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to myuser 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: password of RPC client ExampleClient1 was set. 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: certFile of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to /path/to/client.crt 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: keyFile of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to /path/to/client.key 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: retries of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 3 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: timeout of RPC client ExampleClient1 set to 15000000 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: hostname of RPC client ExampleClient2 set to 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: retries of RPC client ExampleClient2 set to 5 08/08/23 15:13:50.063 Debug: timeout of RPC client ExampleClient2 set to 30000000 08/08/23 15:13:50.064 Setting allowed core file size to "18446744073709551615" for user with id 0 and group with id 0. 08/08/23 15:13:50.064 Core file size now is "18446744073709551615". 08/08/23 15:13:50.064 Setting maximum thread priority to "0" for user with id 0 and group with id 0. 08/08/23 15:13:50.064 Maximum thread priority now is "0". 08/08/23 15:13:50.066 Starting Homegear... 08/08/23 15:13:50.066 Homegear version: 0.7.51-3497 08/08/23 15:13:50.066 Determining maximum thread count... 08/08/23 15:13:55.034 Starting Homegear Management... 08/08/23 15:13:55.034 Service disabled in influxdb.conf. Exiting. 08/08/23 15:13:55.036 Info: Setting allowed core file size to "18446744073709551615" for user with id 0 and group with id 0. 08/08/23 15:13:55.036 Info: Core file size now is "18446744073709551615".

But the server is not up and also not accessible. No config changes till now

PieterBoeren commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue, however, the instance is still accessible via Homematic Manager. But the website doesn't respond, and my devices are also not visible in Home Assistant.

@devRoemer: any ideas?