devaneando / Wikitten

Wikitten is a small, fast, PHP wiki, and the perfect place to store your notes, code snippets, ideas, and so on.
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Error 403 on saving markdown page that contains the String `/etc/` #111

Open sttzr opened 4 years ago

sttzr commented 4 years ago

I'm currently trying out Wikitten as a personal markdown-Wiki and like it very much. It's just that I always got an Error 403 on some .md-Pages when I tried to save changes. Now I narrowed it down a bit and found out the following:

As far as I know it should be perfectly valid to use the string /etc/ in markdown syntax without further character escaping. So I assume that there is a bug in Wikitten.

Can anyone reproduce this issue?

  1. Create a new page, as content type blablabla and "Save Changes"
  2. Now edit the page and add /etc/ to the end.
  3. Do you get an Error 403?

Thanks a lot!