devaneando / Wikitten

Wikitten is a small, fast, PHP wiki, and the perfect place to store your notes, code snippets, ideas, and so on.
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Add RewriteBase to .htaccess #46

Open njurgens opened 10 years ago

njurgens commented 10 years ago

I run my local webpage out of my home directory using mod_userdir. Whenever I would click a link I would get "index.php was not found on this server". Eventually I figured out it was necessary to add RewriteBase /~my-user-name/ to the .htaccess. It might be useful to mention in the installation instructions that you need to set the RewriteBase directive if you don't want to or can't run the wiki from the webroot.

brouillon commented 9 years ago

I agree with this, also i updated the htaccess with

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [L,QSA]

removing the slash before index.php

Torsten-K commented 6 years ago

I tried all of your hints, but Wikitten does not work correctly on my local machine. The home page shows, but when I click on any of the .md files in the menu, the error 404 (not found) appears. I configured the path in the config.php, but nothing helps. At my hoster’s web space, everything works fine. So I guess there must be anything in my local Apache configuration that I have overlooked.

brouillon commented 6 years ago

Maybe check if modrewrite is enable in your local apache

# a2enmod rewrite
Torsten-K commented 6 years ago

Yes, it is enabled: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

Sorry, forgot to say my local machine runs on GNU/Linux (Antergos, an Arch derivative) 64-bit and has Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.2 installed.

The web server is also GNU/Linux with Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.2.