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How I Work series #285

Open ryanmaynard opened 2 years ago

ryanmaynard commented 2 years ago

This week we created a survey mirroring the Lifehacker How I Work series to get to know member of the community as well as to create some blog activity. Currently I have seven great responses from members. I have a few questions about planning these posts though:

  1. Most Jekyll instances will not publish a post-dated article until it is that date. Does our instance do that as well? I believe so last time I checked.
  2. The reason for the above question is that I suggest spacing these out to one per week, maybe every Thursday morning at 9am. Any objections?
  3. I have told a few people that if they want to add their workplace/battlestation pictures later, they can. Would this be acceptable?

Tagging mods @brb3 @StrangeWill @thetest3r Thank you all for any input and consideration in advance.

brb3 commented 2 years ago
  1. I don't know... probably? We can figure that out.
  2. Absolutely. Weekly posts would be perfect.
  3. I see no problem with that. We'd obviously want to make sure that it's work-safe and doesn't contain like... super secret documents on screen or anything silly like that.
StrangeWill commented 2 years ago

The problem we have with number 1 is that the site is statically compiled so at the date we'd have to recompile the site at best at 9am Thursday somehow, not sure if there is a way to trigger Netlify at a specified time outside of just a script we run to kick it, outside of that we can probably get Jekyll to not publish articles "from the future" though.

Agreed with @brb3 on the other points.

ryanmaynard commented 2 years ago
  1. Update is that you can post-date an article and it won't show as published until that date. So that's good.
  2. Sounds good. And the date and time was arbitrary. No need to worry about scheduling, but if it becomes necessary, it can be done with build hooks and github actions without changing anything with our setup.
  3. Sounds good.

We can mark this issue as closed if you like. Got everything I need to start shipping.