devasworski / Corona-Info

Zeigt die aktuelle Anzahl von Corona-Fällen im über GPS ermittelten Landkreis an
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link

Add recovered People aswell #3

Open David100mark opened 4 years ago

David100mark commented 4 years ago

I really like the idea of easy information for everyone, but I guess it could sometimes leed to panicking. For a more positive view on things, I really would like to see the recovered patients for my 'Landkreis'.

Maybe you could add that? thanks a lot!

devasworski commented 4 years ago

This is a feature, that was planned for the initial version, but unfortunately the API currently does not provide any data about the recovered cases.

If you find a official source for this data provided over a API, I would be more then happy to implement it.