devattic / ConfigCrypter

DevAttic ConfigCrypter is a library that lets you encrypt configuration files and decrypt them on the fly in .NET Core applications.
MIT License
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How to pass certificate password to config-crypter encrypt/decrypt commands? #1

Open Hussein-Dahir opened 3 years ago

Hussein-Dahir commented 3 years ago


I created an SSL certificate with an export password, and I noticed that I can provide this password in my .NET code using crypter.CertificateLoader option of ConfigureAppConfiguration, this way:

public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
        .ConfigureAppConfiguration(cfg =>
            cfg.AddEncryptedAppSettings(crypter =>
                crypter.KeysToDecrypt = new List<string> { "ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection" };
                crypter.CertificateLoader = new MyCertificateLoader();

public class MyCertificateLoader : ICertificateLoader
    public X509Certificate2 LoadCertificate()
        return new X509Certificate2("mycert.pfx", "mypassword", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);

But I could not find any way to provide this password to the command I use in the cmd!

config-crypter encrypt -p mycert.pfx -f appsettings.json -k "ConnectionStrings.DefaultConnection" 
config-crypter decrypt-p mycert.pfx -f appsettings.json -k "ConnectionStrings.DefaultConnection" 

Is there a way to do so?

Becca37 commented 3 years ago

Info on readme says that passing a password is NOT currently implemented (as I interpret it), so my guess would be not possible at this time. I could be wrong, of course!

Additional security could be achieved by:

  • Storing your certficate in the windows certificate store (supported by ConfigCrypter) and restricting access to it.
  • Protect your certificate with a password that is embedded in your source code (currently not supported, but could be easily implemented).
devattic-developer commented 2 years ago

Hi! As @Becca37 said, using a password with a certificate is currently not supported. I will have a look into it. It should not be that hard to implement.

tim-rue commented 1 year ago

@devattic-developer I noticed you merged a PR #4 that implements this. Could you release a new version to nuget? It would help a lot. Thank you!