I read the attached KiCad BURP.net file using parse_netlist and dumped the parts and their fields with the following code:
`from kinparse import parse_netlist
nlst = parse_netlist("BURP.net")
for part in nlst.libparts:
for field in part.fields:
print(' ' + field.name + ': ' + field.value)
The Reference fields, which should have values like U1, J6, etc, don't have the numbers. They just have the letters (U, J, etc).
I read the attached KiCad BURP.net file using parse_netlist and dumped the parts and their fields with the following code: `from kinparse import parse_netlist
nlst = parse_netlist("BURP.net")
for part in nlst.libparts: print(part.name) for field in part.fields: print(' ' + field.name + ': ' + field.value) print('') `
The Reference fields, which should have values like U1, J6, etc, don't have the numbers. They just have the letters (U, J, etc).