devcollaborative / plugin-hunter

Command line tool to easily search through all your Pantheon-hosted WordPress sites and identify active instances of a particular plugin.
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define --org option in site:list #2

Open cparkinson opened 1 month ago

cparkinson commented 1 month ago

right now the terminus site:list gets all the current users sites, which includes random sandboxes I've made for my own amusement, but excludes sites like internews that have unusual ownership configurations

useterminus site:list --org=devcollaborative to get all devcollaborative's sites instead of all "my" sites.

hbrok commented 1 month ago

@cparkinson I think --org-all would accomplish the same thing and we don't have to hardcode our org name. Terminus says it: "Displays a list of accessible sites associated with any organization of which the currently logged-in is a member."