devcon5io / mutation-analysis-plugin

Plugin for SonarQube to process mutation analysis results.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Path problem after upgrade from Sonar 7.9 to 8.9 #54

Closed jclements2 closed 2 years ago

jclements2 commented 2 years ago

We upgraded from Sonar Enterprise 7.9 to 8.9 this week and are now seeing an issue with the mutation plugin. The mutation metric appears under the "measures" tab, but it always shows 0% despite there clearly being mutation reports under the pit-test directory. It appears that the plugin is having an issue resolving the top level path for the build directory.

[INFO] 19:52:42.720 Pitest Sensor [java, kotlin] running on [] in /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent3/_work/1315/s [DEBUG] 19:52:42.721 Reading mutants [DEBUG] 19:52:42.724 Searching project root for /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent3/_work/1315/s [INFO] 19:52:42.776 Could not determine project root of /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent3/_work/1315/s from parent [DEBUG] 19:52:42.781 Could not resolve module paths for pom /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent3/_work/1315/pom.xml java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent3/_work/1315/pom.xml at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(

gmuecke commented 2 years ago

Hi @jclements2, I can't provide support for the enterprise edition for free, most of all, because I don't have access to these editions. But as I am about to upgrade the plugin to support the latest LTS and newer version - could you verify, if the same behavior exists for the Community edition?

Thanks, Gerald

jclements2 commented 2 years ago

Hi @gmuecke, Thank you for such a quick response! Yes, I can absolutely work on that over the weekend and report back.

Thanks, Jeremy

jclements2 commented 2 years ago

Well, it appears that you're correct, it's the version difference. I installed community edition in our dev environment, activated the mutation rules and installed this plugin, and the mutation results were available. The same project directed back to our production instance which is Enterprise still results in this error in the Maven log, and no results reported in Sonar for mutation.

[DEBUG] 19:11:16.948 Reading mutants [DEBUG] 19:11:16.950 Searching project root for /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent1/_work/264/s [INFO] 19:11:17.044 Could not determine project root of /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent1/_work/264/s from parent [DEBUG] 19:11:17.049 Could not resolve module paths for pom /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent1/_work/264/pom.xml java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent1/_work/264/pom.xml

jclements2 commented 2 years ago

SonarQube support typically will not help us troubleshoot community developed plugins, but I went ahead and asked if they would at least expound upon the difference in how that path is presented between the two versions (community and enterprise). Would you have any advice for us attempting to make this change ourselves? I'm considering looking for a dev team here that might be willing to undertake maintaining a version of this plugin that is compatible with the Enterprise version, and you might be able to give us a head start in getting this corrected. Thanks for all you've done and all your help.


jclements2 commented 2 years ago

This turned out to be a config issue on my end, my apologies. I'll close this now, and thanks for the response, much appreciated and thank you for your work on this plugin, it's very helpful.
