This is an actionable item from the #290 discussion.
Here's how it might happen:
Create a docs/ folder
Add some PHP server-side pages to the pages/ folder. Specifically:
An index home page for a list of all the features
A page for each feature that includes a generated OPTIONS table and other boilerplate
Use wget to mirror the localhost:8080 dev served PHP into static HTML tree
A GitHub Action to deploy the stuff to GitHub Pages
@danielbraun89 enables GitHub Pages in the settings menu of this repo
Note that you can use literally any framework you want. Next.js, React, Vue, Django, doesn't matter. As long as you can either: 1) statically generate a site natively or 2) use wget or httrack or any other HTTP crawler to download the dynamic HTML and save it as .html files
I think we SHOULD keep the for custom feature-specific details like this example for the ACT feature:
> Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀
You can find more information about Act on the [nektos/act] GitHub page.
This feature installs the `act` binary to `/usr/local/bin/act` by downloading it
from the [nektos/act] GitHub Releases page. You can set a specific version using
the `version` option in your `devcontainer.json` file. The version you specificy
**must be a valid Git tag** that corresponds to a GitHub Release.
Here's another example a possible for the DENO feature
> A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. \
> The easiest, most secure JavaScript runtime.
Details about how to use JavaScript functions provided by Deno is included in the
[Deno Runtime API] docs website. Information on using the CLI is included in
the [Deno manual].
This devcontainer feature is a fork of the [`deno_install`] project. It provides
the heavy lifting of determining which system-specific binary to download, we just
add it to the `$PATH`.
[deno runtime api]:
[deno manual]:
Note how these files are sorta like the file that the devcontainer/action uses to make PRs? That's the gist that I was going for.
Why this is good
It reduces the PR spam of this repo
It makes the docs indexable by Google
It lets us reliably change the template that generates the docs (to include our own branding, links, Gitter link, issue link, etc.)
See #290 for more details about how this might relate to other changes
This is an actionable item from the #290 discussion.
Here's how it might happen:
to mirror the localhost:8080 dev served PHP into static HTML treeNote that you can use literally any framework you want. Next.js, React, Vue, Django, doesn't matter. As long as you can either: 1) statically generate a site natively or 2) use wget or httrack or any other HTTP crawler to download the dynamic HTML and save it as .html files
I think we SHOULD keep the for custom feature-specific details like this example for the ACT feature:
Here's another example a possible for the DENO feature
Note how these files are sorta like the file that the devcontainer/action uses to make PRs? That's the gist that I was going for.
Why this is good
See #290 for more details about how this might relate to other changes