devedbox / AXWebViewController

AXWebViewController is a webViewController to browse web content inside applications. It’s a lightweight controller on iOS platform based on WKWebView (UIWebView would be the base Kit under iOS 8.0). It added navigation tool bar to refresh, go back, go forward and so on. It support the navigation style on WeChat. It is a simple-using and convenient web view controller using inside applications.
MIT License
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AXPopNavigationController 死循环! #60

Closed shenguanjiejie closed 6 years ago

shenguanjiejie commented 6 years ago

image nextViewController为nil,while循环跳不出了... 0.6.1和0.7.0都会这样

devedbox commented 6 years ago

@shenguanjiejie xcode几?iOS几?

shenguanjiejie commented 6 years ago

@devedbox 好像并不是你的问题 我把AXWebViewController删掉后 还是会出现其他死循环. 是Hyperion-iOS这个库的问题 我去提给他们吧.