devedbox / AXWebViewController

AXWebViewController is a webViewController to browse web content inside applications. It’s a lightweight controller on iOS platform based on WKWebView (UIWebView would be the base Kit under iOS 8.0). It added navigation tool bar to refresh, go back, go forward and so on. It support the navigation style on WeChat. It is a simple-using and convenient web view controller using inside applications.
MIT License
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WKWebView在js使用alert方法调用弹框的时候导致线程卡死,显示弹框的方法有问题! #65

Open LHWen opened 6 years ago

LHWen commented 6 years ago


问题所在地方,AXWebViewController.m文件 755行 以下是我处理方法:

devedbox commented 6 years ago

@LHWen 方便提一个PR吗?

LHWen commented 6 years ago
