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Removed Ian's profile from Board #222

Closed MTaimoor99 closed 1 year ago

MTaimoor99 commented 1 year ago

What issue is this referencing?

Issue # 218 : Update The Board

A request was made in issue 218 where Ian had left the board, and we needed to remove his profile. I have fixed this issue by modifying the Vue.js code which included Ian's profile. I also modified the IDs of all the other members.

Have you run the linting command in the

Have you taken a look at our contributing guidelines?

My node version matches the one suggested when running nvm use?

DerrykBoyd commented 1 year ago

Going to go ahead with this, checked netlify and the rerun deployed fine.

MandyMeindersma commented 1 year ago

We should have removed Ian's Image too :P

We will do that with the next image ticket