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Randomize getLimitedMeetups #299

Closed leslietech closed 7 months ago

leslietech commented 7 months ago

Hello folks. What do you think about randomizing getLimitedMeetups in store/meetups.js? Currently, there are 7 meetups in, however, website visitors will always only see the first five meetups.

It would be nice if "Women in Tech" and "Weekly Dev Chat also got random chances to appear on the home page, while retaining the same cardLimit. Thanks.

deejayjay commented 7 months ago

@leslietech: This sounds like a good suggestion to me. I was the one who originally suggested limiting the number of cards being displayed in the main page. I can take care of this issue.

deejayjay commented 7 months ago

@MandyMeindersma: I think this suggestion is relevant to the Community Events and Resources sections as well. Shall I randomize cards in those sections as well?

MandyMeindersma commented 7 months ago

Yeah I like it! Thank you

MandyMeindersma commented 7 months ago