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Start to identify potential members #13

Open SteveReiter opened 6 years ago

SteveReiter commented 6 years ago

Start building a list of individuals or organizations that are aligned with the Dev Edmonton mission. We still need to determine how members will be involved in the organization so we are not ready to add any official members yet, but talking with those who are interested is the first step.

warrenjohnston commented 6 years ago

Innovate Edmonton (EEDC)

Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) University of Alberta Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Alberta Department of Computing Science Ada's Team Computer Engineering Club UACS MacEwan Department of Computing Science GMUCS Canada Learning Code

MarkBennett commented 6 years ago

What are some businesses the hire developers in town? We should reach out to them and bring them on board to understand what kind of skills they're looking for.

Off the top of my head, here are a few:

I'm sure there are lots of others.

dgmouris commented 5 years ago

@MarkBennett You can definitely include The Organic Box in there as they've been sponsoring the edmonton python meetup.

Don't know if you want to make a list here or you have somewhere else that you'd like me to send it to...

ashiazed commented 5 years ago

I've been thinking a bit about what we want in regards to the members and I think there needs to be different levels. It would be good for example to have any developer as a member, they are after all the core of this community. At the same time it would be good to identify folks who go a step extra and provide leadership, organize meetups, organize conferences, engage in tech community issues, provide mentorship etc. These folks are the key people who amplify the tech community.

From the company side of things the same levels exist. There are companies who hire developers but then there are companies that support and engage with the tech community by offering sponsorship, training junior developers, promoting diversity etc.

How can we as a dev society encourage more developers and companies to engage? Can we encourage members to engage more through membership levels? Can we provide more recognition for folks and companies that already do? Should we?

MarkBennett commented 5 years ago

How can we as a dev society encourage more developers and companies to engage? Can we encourage members to engage more through membership levels? Can we provide more recognition for folks and companies that already do? Should we?

Good questions @ashiazed. I think we need to really sit down as a group and start sorting out how people and organisations can go about getting involved, and what being a member actually means. I'm going to start putting together an agenda for a little regrouping session in January, and will put this on the agenda for sure.