developer-delta / halogen

A web based application to add better lighting to video calls.
MIT License
4 stars 11 forks source link

Hero section content #144

Closed mikelbrierly closed 3 years ago

mikelbrierly commented 3 years ago

User Story:

As a user, I want to see an inviting and informative splash page, So that I understand what the app is, and I want to learn more

Acceptance Criteria:

Try to think about the design in terms of boxes, and plan how you will lay everything out before hand. A simple starter is to think about how there should be a box on the left that contains all the text and the button, and a box on the right that contains all the images.

You can make the images move on top of each other by using position: absolute (absolute is the tailwind class`). If you have trouble with this, reach out to @Hanna-N9, she recently did some investigation about absolute positioning.

You also don't need to worry about styling the button perfectly, just use the existing Button component and we'll improve on it in another story


video_call_window phone_window blue_window logo_title

Note: don't forget you can use the live mockup site to reference for your work -