developer-student-clubs / DU-Hacks-Mobile-App

Introducing our cutting-edge mobile application designed to be your ultimate hackathon companion. This innovative platform seamlessly delivers all the vital information you need to excel in hackathons. Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to a smoother, more connected hackathon journey with our intuitive mobile application.
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Added Sponsor Screen #10

Closed Yaswanth-Mitta closed 10 months ago

Yaswanth-Mitta commented 10 months ago

🎯Sponsors Details Page Development #7

Description: This pull request introduces a new feature to the GDSC UI Design project. It adds a Sponsor page that fetches sponsor information from an API and displays it in a user-friendly format.

Changes Made:

Created a new Sponsor class to represent sponsor information. Implemented a SponsorPage widget that fetches sponsor data from an API and displays it. Added a SponsorCard widget to display individual sponsor information with expandable details. Integrated network image loading for sponsor logos. Included a button to visit the sponsor's website.

Feel free to change the colors and gradients , to make it easier for you to understand make everything in a same file

Closes #7

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image On Tapping that card it expands and collapse


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