developeranaz / qbittorrent-to-rclone-heroku

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Will we need to deploy again when rclone config file expires? #13

Closed ktownag closed 2 years ago

ktownag commented 2 years ago

Thanks in advance

ktownag commented 2 years ago

Or update only the gist without deploying?

developeranaz commented 2 years ago

No need to redeploy

  1. just login to heroku
  2. go to deployed app >>
  3. then settings of your deployed app
  4. click reveal config var
  5. change your raw url curresponding to RCLONE_CONFIG_IN_RAW_URL

NOTE : Editing or modifying the gist config will generate new random raw urls, make sure you must use a correct or latest raw url (please double check it) Alternatively, there is a method that can easily modify the raw content by just editing the core and it will change all the edits (but it needs a 5 minute delay to affect the modified change). Its Hard to explain, see here

ktownag commented 2 years ago

Very well explained. Thank you so much!