developeranaz / qbittorrent-to-rclone-heroku

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Prevent dyno idling in 30 minites? #14

Closed ktownag closed 2 years ago

ktownag commented 2 years ago

Heroku's free dyno will idle when there is no incoming request within 30 minutes, and your files will be deleted too. There is a similar but outdated repo that can generate fake requests when there are downloading or uploading tasks, so it won't idle when your files aren't completed. See here The working codes are included in the index.js file of that repo. Is it possible to do that to qbittorrent? Thanks!

developeranaz commented 2 years ago

I did made it on another branch , now i applied that update redeploy it and use selfping corresponding app-name in settings>> config-vars section in heroku

eg: -4962988908900100631_121

note: selfping config var eats your dynos

ktownag commented 2 years ago

Great. Would be better if selfping stops automatically when downloads complete.