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Open science university of Geneva students contributing to: A Decentralized Market for Sharing Knowledge and Fixing the World
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Test sdg market interface #1

Open Xoeseko opened 5 years ago

Xoeseko commented 5 years ago
Xoeseko commented 5 years ago

Bought tokens from Sofia-pika while she does not own any tokens... Also no way to see tokens owned...

Xoeseko commented 5 years ago

@Sofia-Pika Where have you reached with this issue ? Particularly the check and balances approach ? Do you need any help ?

Sofia-Pika commented 5 years ago

i actually cannot do a pull request from my branch pls send help (i did some changes in atom but when i tried to push my work got remplaced by the actual file so i don't think i understood that well).

Xoeseko commented 5 years ago

You have a pull request currently open from the branch sofia-pika-patch1... That you didn't correct, close or merge ? Or maybe you corrected it but no notification was sent you could comment to make it known. Essentially a pull request means look at my branch I am ready to merge when you did it two weeks ago I replied please correct so and so... But there was no change for some time... Do you want to close the previous pull request so that you can open a new one from your new branch.

PS: I had forgotten but we created a new repository in your account so that you have more control so you maybe forgot about the first pull request I assume we can close it then you wll be able to PR.