developersIndia / website

🇮🇳 Website for The DevelopersIndia Community
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Develop a basic official developersIndia landing to start with #20

Closed Jarmos-san closed 2 years ago

Jarmos-san commented 2 years ago

The developersIndia community requires an official website. Members of the community did work on it on & off for a while but none of the contributions led to any productive goals yet. As such we had a long discussion & decided to take baby steps.

The Plan Ahead

The immediate plan right now is to develop a VERY basic landing page with minimal aspects. In other words, features like dark mode or interactivity isn't a hard requirement right now. Developing an MVP which showcases our goals, who we're & how to be part of our community is all that's required for now. This is what we should be working towards for the "first iteration" of the project (more on it later on).

The Tech Stack

We're working against the clock & since most of us are busy outside work hours as well, this project is maintained completely on volunteer basis & as "a hobby project". Hence, the tech stack is kept minimal with ample room for further additions if necessary.

That said, after a thorough discussion, following is the current tech stack to be used for developing a minimal landing page:

If you feel the project might benefit from using another tool or technology stack, please open an issue/discussion thread describing in details the benefits of it & some code samples of the implementation to go with.

How Can You Contribute to the Project

Contributions to the project in ANY manner are ALWAYS appreciated. But if this is your first time contributing to FOSS projects, here are some ways we believe we could use your help:

  1. Got design skills and/or ideas? Please share your templates in this discussion thread.
  2. Find something missing or perhaps a typo here & there? Feel free to let us know about it or even better, report it through an issue thread & then reference it on a PR!
  3. Keep an eye out on the discussions going in various issue/discussion threads & chime in with your opinion & suggestions. In our community we're always favor member engagement over everything else. And it also brings us joy to see we could provide a meaningful platform for individuals to help one another out.

Please don't assume the points above are the only ways you can contribute to the project! If you need, feel free to reach out to us over DMs & we'll be happy to discuss the other ways you might want to contribute to out community efforts.

Ending Notes & Credits

Do note, we already have an amazing Figma template to use as a source of inspiration to develop the "first iteration" of the website. And by "first iteration", we mean the v1.x.x release of the project which you can track on the releases page.

This current issue thread will remain open for discussion & progress tracking until the v1.x.x is launched. After that the thread will be closed & locked for obvious reasons. As such if you would like share your ideas & templates for the minimal landing page of the website, please share it before the first public release of the website.

That said, we would like to thank @OmkarK45 & @sushilburagute for their contributions on designing the template we're using as a source of inspiration! Without their effort & contribution I doubt the project would've progressed as much as it did right now.

sangeet commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am happy to start converting Figma design to UI if nobody has taken it up yet.

Jarmos-san commented 2 years ago

@sangeet thanks for taking the initiative! :heart:

Please feel free to go through the issue threads & reference PRs to them accordingly. Also don't forget to read the "contribution guidelines" before making a PR.

As for the template, you can take a look at it over here -

SamrendraS commented 2 years ago

I was working on the website but it fizzled out after too many people were unavailable. I've gone through the design and I really like it, and would like to start working on the website this weekend. I'm experienced with the tech stack so I'll be comfortable with kicking off.

Is there a Trello board or some ticketing system that I can come up to speed with; I'm going through the raised issues meanwhile

Jarmos-san commented 2 years ago

@SamrendraS thanks for taking the initiative! :heart:

We're not tracking progress through kanban boards yet because the goals are quite small for now. Our immediate goals like right now is to:

  1. Setup ESLint & Prettier, see #27
  2. Configure lint-staged + husky pre-commit hooks, see #40 (there's a WIP PR though)
  3. Setup a bare minimum CI/CD pipeline which can be extended later on as needed, see #41

The next steps would be to set up the Vercel account for hosting & deployment. We wanted to work on it but quite a lot of things happened (as you're already aware), the domain expired & we need to repurchase it. Doing all of that will probably take some internal collaborations from our end so we're hopeful the community will understand & be patient with us as well.

As for project fizzling out, yes, we're guilty of it because some of us got new jobs, were moving cities (thanks to Covid) among other personal obligations. We're back on track & will hopeful be able to ship the first iteration of the website soon enough!.

If you would like to fast track the development procedure we can have a quick chat over Discord or Google Meet (if you're comfortable).

SamrendraS commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply @Jarmos-san; Discord works for me; ree#4239. I look forward to helping build the website :)

siddhantk232 commented 2 years ago

I can help implement the landing page if nobody is working on it. For those who are working currently working on it, it would help if they could open a draft PR so that we can easily track what's going on. Thank you!

NiketanG commented 2 years ago

Would love to help as well. A board for tracking progress would be helpful

Jarmos-san commented 2 years ago

Would love to help as well. A board for tracking progress would be helpful

@NiketanG yeah we've plans but we're not sure how should proceed ahead with sharing a project roadmap. If you've ideas, please feel free to share it us on this discussion thread.

afkcodes commented 2 years ago

Will take it up if it's not started.

afkcodes commented 2 years ago

@Jarmos-san @Bhupesh-V @Manav-SM Let's kickstart this.

Jarmos-san commented 2 years ago

@afkcodes yes please! We were waiting for @varshney-himanshu to lead the development procedure but he has to take care of some urgent personal emergencies right now. It did cause us some delay but hopefully we can get started right away.

Any way, I assume you're the most experienced frontend dev so why don't you take the lead for the development process? And the rest of us will help you with maintenance & managing contributions to the project?

On that note, I'm working on a release cadence as I write this comment! It should detail out smaller achievable goals to help us break down the landing page template into smaller components. So, please look forward to checking it out.

afkcodes commented 2 years ago

okay, then I will plan this tomorrow.

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

Is this still relevant? If so, what is blocking it? Is there anything you can do to help move it forward?

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs.