developersdigest / llm-answer-engine

Build a Perplexity-Inspired Answer Engine Using Next.js, Groq, Llama-3, Langchain, OpenAI, Upstash, Brave & Serper
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Updates file for better documentation and Edited docker-compose.yml with correct path #61

Closed AmoghSaxena closed 2 months ago

AmoghSaxena commented 2 months ago

I made two changes to the repository:

  1. Updated the file: I made changes to the file, which is a Markdown file that typically contains information about the project, such as its purpose, usage, and setup instructions. The update was made to improve the documentation.
  2. Edited the docker-compose.yml file: I made changes to the docker-compose.yml file, which is a configuration file used by Docker Compose to define and run multi-container Docker applications. The edit was made to correct the path in the file.

In, I have also added the Installation method using Docker. So users who dont want to install Node or npm or local machine can directly deploy it with docker compose.

Although The docker-compose.yml was already present in the repo. The proper installation method was not shown.

In Docker Compose, a volume mount is used to mount a directory from the host machine to a directory inside a container. The syntax for a volume mount is:

| <host-path>:<container-path>:<options>

In your case, the original line was:

And it was changed to:

Here's what changed:

The host path ($PWD/config.tsx) was changed to ($PWD/app/config.tsx), which means the file is now being mounted from a correct location on the host machine. The container path (/home/node/app/config/config.tsx) was changed to (/home/node/app/app/config.tsx), which means the file is now being mounted to a correct location inside the container.