After various discussions, and now that the postgres / database backend is improved (wagtail 2.15?) we're now switching to that being the default, instead of default being elasticsearch.
Setup instructions
Include any environment variables etc. that are needed to test your code.Anything not specific to testing just this PR would be better in the README.
How to test
mktmpenv --python=python3.10
pip install cookiecutter
cookiecutter --no-input --checkout use-postgres-search-by-default gh:developersociety/django-template wagtail=y
cd projectname
nvm use
make npm-install pip-install-local
dropdb --if-exists projectname_django
createdb projectname_django
./ migrate
make django-dev-createsuperuser
./ update_index
and then to check that it works with the env var:
ENABLE_ELASTICSEARCH=1 ./ update_index
and it should attempt to connect to elasticsearch and do that.
After various discussions, and now that the postgres / database backend is improved (wagtail 2.15?) we're now switching to that being the default, instead of default being elasticsearch.
Setup instructions
Include any environment variables etc. that are needed to test your code. Anything not specific to testing just this PR would be better in the README.
How to test
and then to check that it works with the env var:
and it should attempt to connect to elasticsearch and do that.
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