Karma and puppeteer were approaching a year old so wanted to bring them up to date.
Breaking changes in karma 5:
Karma plugins which rely on the fact that Karma uses Bluebird promises may break as Bluebird-specific API is no longer available on Promises returned by the Karma core
server: Deprecated createPreprocessor removed, karma-browserify < 7 version doesn't work
no more testing on node 8.
I don't think any of these affect our plugins as all our tests pass. I mainly wanted to upgrade Karma cuz it includes some slightly better error reporting for "unhandlerejections" which I hit recently.
Also wanted to upgrade puppeteer to reduce the likelihood of consumers downloading multiple copies of puppeteer. Perhaps for the next major version we should consider making puppeteer a peerDep so consumers can control which version of Chromium their tests run against?
Karma and puppeteer were approaching a year old so wanted to bring them up to date.
Breaking changes in karma 5:
I don't think any of these affect our plugins as all our tests pass. I mainly wanted to upgrade Karma cuz it includes some slightly better error reporting for "unhandlerejections" which I hit recently.
Also wanted to upgrade puppeteer to reduce the likelihood of consumers downloading multiple copies of puppeteer. Perhaps for the next major version we should consider making puppeteer a peerDep so consumers can control which version of Chromium their tests run against?