Now we have a view at /api/v1/search/ that is able to receive an audio file and execute the search in the Milvus database.
That endpoint should receive a form post request with the following fields:
limit (optional, int, max number of results)
expression (optional, str, example: subsite_name == "Wet-A")
It will get the embedding using the embed service and execute the search and return the results as JSON.
How to test:
Create a postgres DB named bioacoustics and set the following env vars:
Now we have a view at
that is able to receive an audio file and execute the search in the Milvus database. That endpoint should receive a form post request with the following fields:It will get the embedding using the embed service and execute the search and return the results as JSON.
How to test:
and set the following env vars:and also run
kubectl port-forward service/milvus 9091:9091 & kubectl port-forward service/milvus 19530:19530 &
to have access to the Milvus database.