developmentseed / chip-n-scale-queue-arranger

Chip 'n scale: Queue Arranger helps you run machine learning models over satellite imagery at scale
MIT License
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[WIP] sketch of serverless integration #6

Closed vincentsarago closed 3 years ago

vincentsarago commented 4 years ago

This PR aims to remove kes and use serverless framework for AWS stack management.


We choose to split chip-n-scale pipeline in two separate AWS Stack to ease iteration and deployement:

  1. Inference Backend (ECS + RDS + VPC)
  2. Lambda prediction

The idea is to create a unique Inference backend that could be use by multiple Prediction Lambda functions.

To Do

the target group with targetGroupArn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:....:targetgroup/infer-Targe-1DDILH8D0FGF5/95c344ab813dab6d does not have an associated load balancer. (Service: AmazonECS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterException; Request ID: 4d5be02d-44bf-4f5a-880e-bf5121506d57)

cc @drewbo

vincentsarago commented 3 years ago

not going to finish this, we should move to CDK ;-)