developmentseed / eoapi-cdk

AWS CDK constructs for deploying eoAPI
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Review usage of Semantic Releases #37

Open alukach opened 1 year ago

alukach commented 1 year ago

Is the system of Semantic Releases more trouble than its worth? I am a bit of an optimist on the strategy, but others have described it as opaque and too much magic. Should we remove it from our build system?



My urge to is to lean more into the strategy and build in more CI tooling that would:

Thoughts @sharkinsspatial @emileten ?

emileten commented 1 year ago

@alukach thanks !

More challenge around understanding what the impact of commit will be (ie what will the be the resultant version change?) Many small (single-change) releases (I'm admittedly not sure if this is actually a bad thing)

These are the two concerns for me. I think the former could be mitigated by having a nicer documentation regarding where releases happen (#32) and how those happen -- Perhaps in the README something a bit more detailed like :

Versioning is automated in this repository :

  • First, Pull Requests titles must comply with the format of Conventional Commits, that define a set of categories that a given PR can fall in.
  • Second, when a Pull Request is merged, it is automatically analyzed by a Semantic Release bot which follows the Conventional Commits format to determine whether or not a new release should happen, and if so, what the new version should be.

Regarding the latter concern, I don't know what the best practice is.

emileten commented 6 months ago

Just adding another comment that would be in the side of 'Cons' here.

I have been working on adding 'integration tests', which is just a github action that builds eoapi-cdk and runs an example real world deployment to check everything works before doing a release. It was intended to be an automated workflow, but I ended up defining it as a manual github workflow because I struggled a lot to integrate it to our automated release system.

More details here, but the gist is : this workflow is costly, because it's a real deployment. We only want to do it if we are going to do a release, but it's semantic-release that decides if we do one or not, and I failed finding a reliable way to code up something like "if semantic-release is about to make a release, run the test deployment".

I resorted to a manual deployment workflow + a reminder in the PR template because of this.