developmentseed / label-maker

Data Preparation for Satellite Machine Learning
MIT License
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U-Net segmentation example #1

Closed wronk closed 6 years ago

wronk commented 6 years ago

Ideally, run this example on Google's cloud. TPUs (google accelerated hardware) don't look to be ready yet for prime time yet, but I've signed up for alerts

crikeli commented 6 years ago

Oooh, I am interested in this too! What are you trying to segment? buildings? TPUs are definitely not ready for prime time, and training models on googles GPUs is not half bad! I'd like to follow your progress since I am planning on implementing a newer version of segmentation using weakly supervised learning. Great project, by the way 👍

wronk commented 6 years ago

@crikeli, we're mostly focused on segmenting roads at the moment (and that's what the example will show). It should be pretty straightforward to switch the prediction over to buildings though.

wronk commented 6 years ago

Updates on U-net/segmentation example

Will open the PR soon -- it feels close, so I'm trying to get the whole shebang working before pushing.

crikeli commented 6 years ago

@wronk that sounds good! I'd like to run a weakly supervised experiment using label maker, but I would only use label maker to classify satellite patches that have buildings and satellite patches that don't, and then use the concepts described by this paper to perform segmentation. You may want to look into it too for later, since this paper proposes better results than u-net!

Thanks in advance!

Geoyi commented 6 years ago

@crikeli The facebook paper is pretty interesting, thanks for sharing with us and will definitely look into it. I've not personally tried Tanzania yet but found Mapbox has higher satellite for Vietnam, you could have a try using this walkthrough. You might wanna see this issue about the label maker downloads tiles that could not be opened. Not sure if I have answered your questions. Let us know ~

crikeli commented 6 years ago

Glad you find it interesting! If I'm able to work it out, I may submit a pull request for it. I will give the Vietnam walkthrough a go, thanks! The issue you referenced seems similar to mine so will look into it! You definitely answered my questions 💯

crikeli commented 6 years ago

@Geoyi unfortunately I still am not able to preview my images. Every command runs and does what it's supposed to, but I'm unable to preview my images. I checked that upon running label-maker download and lable-maker labels, I have the necessary labels.npz file and the classification.geojson file. I am further able to confirm the validity of that file by viewing the file on


wronk commented 6 years ago

Hey @crikeli, if you're still having problems, try deleting the entire /data folder and re-running all the commands. Also, does running label-maker images create the /tiles folder with good satellite imagery? If your api key works as far as correctly downloading the imagery in other countries (and you've double checked that it's copied correctly to your other config.json), then I doubt that's the problem.

If you're still having problems after that, I'd post a separate issue ticket with a step-by-step of what you've tried.

crikeli commented 6 years ago

@wronk , yes, unfortunately I tried deleting the data folder, reinstalling label-maker+dependencies in a clean environment, and literally every single command runs flawlessly, and label-maker images does create the /tiles folder, but all the images(at least all the ones I tried opening) appear to be corrupted for some reason. I think I'll open up that issue after all!

Thanks for your help!

wronk commented 6 years ago

Wasn't able to get reasonable segmentation results with U-net. Closing this for now