An escalation of violence in South Sudan since July 2016 has led to a large population movement into the north of neighboring Uganda. An estimated rate of between 2,000 and 3,000 displaced persons cross the border into Uganda each day. In a rapidly developing situation such as this, it is vital that accurate and up-to-date mapping information is available to allow the ERU to respond more effectively and efficiently.
Development Seed data team as part of the HOT community is taking part of this disaster mapping efforts, We are going to validate the buildings and highways as the task describe!
An escalation of violence in South Sudan since July 2016 has led to a large population movement into the north of neighboring Uganda. An estimated rate of between 2,000 and 3,000 displaced persons cross the border into Uganda each day. In a rapidly developing situation such as this, it is vital that accurate and up-to-date mapping information is available to allow the ERU to respond more effectively and efficiently.
Development Seed data team as part of the HOT community is taking part of this disaster mapping efforts, We are going to validate the buildings and highways as the task describe!
Tasking Manager :world_map:
Mapping sources :hammer:
Task Coverage :nerd_face:
Tasks status :bar_chart:
- Task #4141
If you have any comment or suggestion please post on this ticket! :rocket:
cc. @olafveerman @Rub21 @developmentseed/data-team