The steady stream of refugees from South Sudan continues to fill the overflowing settlements in Northern Uganda, and UNHCR planners are desperately trying to provide for those already in, as well as create new environments for those in-coming. As violence escalates in neighbouring Congo, Planners are finding themselves outflanked from the west, as incoming numbers increase by land and lake. Mapping an area before refugees are settled is vital, to see how much time and resources are needed to prepare these new environments. These areas are unknown, and remote mapping enables HOT field surveyors to get into the field and survey for detail on Water, Sanitation, Construction /Shelter-building and other resources. The map will be something that will unify the different interventions, ensuring that the right people get the right help in the right place. Special thank you to Salesforce for supporting Uganda Non-Camp Refugee Data projects!
Development Seed data team as part of the HOT community is taking part of this disaster mapping efforts, We are going to validate the buildings and highways as the task describe!
The steady stream of refugees from South Sudan continues to fill the overflowing settlements in Northern Uganda, and UNHCR planners are desperately trying to provide for those already in, as well as create new environments for those in-coming. As violence escalates in neighbouring Congo, Planners are finding themselves outflanked from the west, as incoming numbers increase by land and lake. Mapping an area before refugees are settled is vital, to see how much time and resources are needed to prepare these new environments. These areas are unknown, and remote mapping enables HOT field surveyors to get into the field and survey for detail on Water, Sanitation, Construction /Shelter-building and other resources. The map will be something that will unify the different interventions, ensuring that the right people get the right help in the right place. Special thank you to Salesforce for supporting Uganda Non-Camp Refugee Data projects!
Development Seed data team as part of the HOT community is taking part of this disaster mapping efforts, We are going to validate the buildings and highways as the task describe!
Tasking Manager :world_map:
Mapping sources :hammer:
Task Coverage :nerd_face:
Tasks status :bar_chart:
- Task #4120
If you have any comment or suggestion please post on this ticket! :rocket:
cc. @olafveerman @Rub21 @developmentseed/data-team