rename the segment criticality to segment count. This aims to reduce confusion with the new criticality indicator that's being added in #33
add a bash script to the segment count with all the usual glue. The goal is to reduce potential error with input data, and ensure the full pipeline is run with the same data
add the speed based OSRM profile to the road processing. The goal is the same as ^, ensure the same input data is consumed along the whole pipeline
Segment Usage - Markets
This branch was used to generate the segment usage indicator for markets. I did the following to generate it:
Generate GeoJSON from the Market data provided by the WB ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" market.geojson ~/Downloads/market/Marches_Haiti_IICA1977.shp -t_srs EPSG:4326
Generate GeoJSON for the populated place data
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" places.geojson ~/Downloads/population/'MT_104_Populated Places CNIGS.shp' -t_srs EPSG:4326
Generate OD pairs from markets to settlements yarn od generate -m closest places.geojson market.geojson
Upload result to S3 aws s3 cp odpairs.json s3://road-data-input-haiti/od/od-market.json aws s3 cp market.geojson s3://road-data-input-haiti/poi/market.geojson aws s3 cp places.geojson s3://road-data-input-haiti/population/places.geojson
Run the script to generate segment counts bash segment-count/
Generate the indicator data bash indicators/
This PR does a couple of things:
Segment Usage - Markets
This branch was used to generate the segment usage indicator for markets. I did the following to generate it:
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" market.geojson ~/Downloads/market/Marches_Haiti_IICA1977.shp -t_srs EPSG:4326
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" places.geojson ~/Downloads/population/'MT_104_Populated Places CNIGS.shp' -t_srs EPSG:4326
yarn od generate -m closest places.geojson market.geojson
aws s3 cp odpairs.json s3://road-data-input-haiti/od/od-market.json
aws s3 cp market.geojson s3://road-data-input-haiti/poi/market.geojson
aws s3 cp places.geojson s3://road-data-input-haiti/population/places.geojson
bash segment-count/
bash indicators/